SOI/MDI Operations

MDI FLight Operations Schedule (21 November 1995)

23 Nov 95 - 14 Dec 95

MDI Sequence for Flight				SDW - 20 Nov 1995

11/23 16:30-18:00
1.1     Power up MDI to SLEEP mode, power up heaters and establish set 
	points; 120 min

  dur   step			operation
   20	X_EXP_PREP_ON		Prepares SVM for MDI power on and turns 
				off substitution heaters
   15	M_PCONPRI		Power prime converters on spacecraft bus A
    5	M_DP_PATCH		Patch DEP executable code
    5	M_HTRON			Turn on control electronics for Optics 
				Package Heater (HOP) and Operational CCD 
				Heater (HOC)
    3	M_HOPSPT (64)		Turn OPH2 on (01000000)
    2				wait 2 minutes
    3	M_HOPSPT (196)		Turn OPH3 on (11000000)
    2				wait 2 minutes
    3	M_HOPSPT (255)		Turn OPH1 on at full power (11111111).
    2 				wait 2 minutes
    3	M_CCDSPT (4)		Turn on Operational CCD Heater (HOC) at
				15 watts
   10 				wait 10 minutes
    3	M_CCDSPT (8)		Set Operational CCD Heater (HOC) at 
				zero watts and turn on Decontamination CCD 
				Heater (HCM) at maximum set point (15 watts).
   10 				wait 10 minutes
    3	M_CCDSPT (12)		Set Operational CCD Heater (HOC) to 15 watts 
				and leave CCD Decontamination heater on at
				15 watts.

11/23 19:00-19:10
1.1a    Thermal adjustments; 6 minutes
	To be performed if required 60 minutes after completion of 
	block 1.1 +/- 10 minutes.

  dur   step			operation
    3	M_HOPSPT (n)		Adjust OP heater set point as required
    3	M_CCDSPT (n)		Adjust CCD heater set points as required

11/24 06:00-06:10
1.1a    Thermal adjustments; 6 minutes
	To be performed if required 12 hours after completion of 
	block 1.1 +/- 1 hour.

  dur   step			operation
    3	M_HOPSPT (n)		Adjust OP heater set point as required
    3	M_CCDSPT (n)		Adjust CCD heater set points as required

11/24 18:35-20:05
1.2     Power up Prime Oven Heater and establish set point; 10 min

  dur   step			operation
    3	M_OVENON		Prime Oven Heater (HPO) on
    3	M_OVENSPT (2)		Set prime oven at nominal set point
    3	M_HOPSPT (n)		Adjust OP heater set point as required
    3	M_CCDSPT (n)		Adjust CCD heater set points as required

11/26 15:30-19:30
2.1     Power up MDI from SLEEP to SAFE mode and perform initial
	checkout using VC2 telemetry; 158 minutes

  dur   step			operation
	Power on subsytems
    5	K_IDTOMM		Idle to VC2, verify status
   15	M_IPON			Image Processor on, verify VC2 in fill
    5	M_CMON			CCD Camera on, verify VC2 in fill after 
				IP reset
    5	K_MMTOID		VC2 to Idle
    5	M_MCHSON		Internal mechanisms on
    5	M_LTON			Limb Tracker on
				wait 10 minutes
	Adjust heater set points
    3	M_HOPSPT (n)		Adjust OP heater set point as required
    3	M_CCDSPT (n)		Adjust CCD heater set points as required
    3	M_OVENSPT (n)		Adjust Oven heater set point as required
    5	M_SQ_PATCH		Patch DEP sequence code
	Perform initial checkout
   15  	M_MCHSCHK		Checkout internal mechanisms
   15	M_LTCHK			Checkout limb tracker
    5	M_DEPCHK		Checkout DEP 
    5	M_OBSMODE		Observing mode mechanism configuration (AIR)
    5	K_IDTOMM		Idle to VC2, verify FILL
   10	M_TAP (4000)		Take a picture set, 4 256x256 images, 
				4000 tick exposure time
   15	M_PICT (4000)		Take a picture set, 7 unique 1024x1024 
				images with 4000 tick exposure time
   20	M_IPCHK			Checkout IP, loads and dumps tables, 
				checks IP memory
    5	K_MMTOID		VC2 to idle transition
	Adjust heater set points
    3	M_HOPSPT (n)		Adjust OP heater set point as required
    3	M_CCDSPT (n)		Adjust CCD heater set points as required
    3	M_OVENSPT (n)		Adjust Oven heater set point as required
11/27 16:10-18:10
2.2	Image Processor functional verification, NRT, TLM VC2 sub 2

12/01 17:25-19:55
2.3	Initiate DEP and IP loads, NRT

	Prime structure sequence and IP queue load, day_load.src
	Flat Field
	Other IP Tables

12/02 17:10-18:10
2.4	Shutter performance test, NRT, VC2 initially


12/03 TBD
1.3     Thermal adjustments; 6 minutes
	Set OP heater to maintain temperature of 20 +/-5 degC.
	To be performed on day 10 +/- 1 day.

  dur   step			operation
    3	M_HOPSPT (n)		Adjust OP heater set point as required
    3	M_CCDSPT (n)		Adjust CCD heater set points as required

12/03 TBD + 0:60
1.3a    Thermal adjustments; 6 minutes
	To be performed if required 60 minutes after completion of 
	block 1.3 +/- 10 minutes.

  dur   step			operation
    3	M_HOPSPT (n)		Adjust OP heater set point as required
    3	M_CCDSPT (n)		Adjust CCD heater set points as required

12/04 TBD (8 30 minute delayed command load periods from 12/04 to 12/07)
2.3	Initiate delayed command loads of DEP and IP
	DEP patches
	IP tables and lists
	IP macro queue	
	IP registers
	DEP Observations

12/07 TBD
1.4     Thermal adjustments; 6 minutes
	Set CCD heater to maintain temperature of 0 +5/-0 degC.
	To be performed on day 14 +/- 1 day.

  dur   step			operation
    3	M_HOPSPT (n)		Adjust OP heater set point as required
    3	M_CCDSPT (n)		Adjust CCD heater set points as required

12/07 TBD + 60
1.4a    Thermal adjustments; 6 minutes
	To be performed if required 60 minutes after completion of 
	block 1.3 +/- 10 minutes.

  dur   step			operation
    3	M_HOPSPT (n)		Adjust OP heater set point as required
    3	M_CCDSPT (n)		Adjust CCD heater set points as required

12/07 TBD (2 hours NRT )
2.3	Verify DEP and IP load including DEP patches

12/08 TBD (2 hours NRT )
2.3	Verify DEP and IP load including DEP patches

12/16 13:00-15:00
2.5     Open front door and acquire first sunlight images, TSTOL, VC2

  dur   step			operation
   10	M_FDOPEN1		Open front door, MDI to STANDBY mode
   15	M_PICT (4000)		Take a picture set, 7 unique 1024x1024 
				images with 4000 tick exposure time
   15	M_PICT (?)		Take a picture set, 7 unique 1024x1024 
				images with modified exposure time
12/16  15:00-16:00
2.6     Internal Alignment, TSTOL, NRT, VC2

  dur   step			operation
    5	M_AMON			Turn on alignment mechanism
   30 	alignit.src
   30	focus			20 focus images   
   10	tap_cont		Initiate continuous image sequence
				to monitor CCD performance during
				cool down.
12/16  16:00-16:10
1.4     Thermal adjustments; 6 minutes
	Set CCD heater to maintain temperature of -70 +/-5 degC.
	To be performed after completion of door open/first light images

  dur   step			operation
    3	M_HOPSPT (n)		Adjust OP heater set point as required
    3	M_CCDSPT (n)		Adjust CCD heater set points as required

12/16  17:10-17:20
1.4a    Thermal adjustments; 6 minutes
	To be performed if required 60 minutes after completion of 
	block 1.3 +/- 10 minutes.

  dur   step			operation
    3	M_HOPSPT (n)		Adjust OP heater set point as required
    3	M_CCDSPT (n)		Adjust CCD heater set points as required

12/17 13:00-15:00
2.7	ISS and Michelson Tests

  dur   step			operation
   40 	alignit.src
   40	paw_motion		10 images to assess PAW induced displacement
   20	mtm_tuning_I		52 images (4x4sum) of MTM detunes

12/18 13:00-17:00
2.8 	Functional Tests in sunlight

  dur   step			operation
   15 	alignit.src
   15	ccd_perf_I		24 images (256 extract) of light transfer
   60	flat_field_I		14 images with PZT offsets
   60	mtm_tuning_II		12 images and 56 images (128 extract) of 
				MTM detunes
   90	observables_I		8 images of velocity and continuum
				observable components		

12/20 13:00-19:00
2.9	Time series

  dur   step			operation
   10 	alignit.src
  290   dynamics		dynamics time series

This page last reviewed and revised 21 November 1995 - SDW

Please address comments and questions to Scott Williams.

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