There is a small signal in low-degree oscillation data at the beat frequency and its harmonics for the beat between 15.000 seconds, the MDI basic sample time, and the SOHO "Major Frame Pulse" which is 14.98828125 seconds, the ratio 1279*3/256 seconds. The beat is at 52.12406 microhz although the observed peaks are multiples of 52.1247 microHz. Peaks in spectra are seen in whole disk data, i.e. l-0,1,2,3 for the even modes, i.e. l+m is even. Peaks up to at least 144 harmonics are seen in spectra of long data series. Since odd modes, where there is a subtraction of about equal areas on the disk, do not show the beat peaks, the sasumption is that the signal is the result of a full disk signal, such as an exposure time error or offpoint error. Since MDI and other instruments do housekeeping tasks in response to the major frame pulse, it could be a beat between an exposure and a power drop, or other pertubation. The source has not been found. The amplitude corresponds to a tiny variation of leas than 1 part in 10,000 of one image exposure about each 5h19m45s. The peaks in the spectra are very sharp.