SOI Logo MDI Data Search and Export Requests

These pages are still available to supply helpful historic information. All MDI data access is now served from the JSOC pages at in data series with names starting with "mdi.".
From this page you can search through MDI and other datasets available for export from the Solar Oscillations Investigation (SOI) Data Archive, select and request data to be exported (copied) directly to your machine/directory or via various media formats, and check on the status of your request(s). Choose the search and export method that is easiest for you based on the kind of data you wish to export.
NOTE: Lev1.8 full-disk 96m magnetograms were recalibrated in December, 2008.
Calibrated magnetograms are available for download at our ftp site. Thirteen annual ~14 Gb tar files provide the complete 96-minute magnetic series from 1996 - 2008. Individual magnetograms can currently be retrieved at the same site from daily subdirectories. All export requests for lev1.8 magnetograms (synoptic 96-minute and hourly one-minute campaigns) receive data calibrated with the best available method. See Lev 1.8 for a summary of the MDI magnetic field calibration.

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Page last revised Tuesday, 24-Mar-2020 15:49:25 PDT