Stanford, California, USA December 9-11, 1999
This will be a small informal workshop with 30-40 participants, similar to the joint GOLF/MDI/VIRGO team meetings that we have had at Stanford in the past. There will be no financial support for this meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the progress in the low-l measurements from space and ground-based instruments. More specifically, we would like to address the following topics:
1. Properties of the low-l p modes (frequencies, frequency
splitting, line widths, asymmetry);
intercomparison among different instruments.
2. Peak-fitting procedures; results of
the Hare-and-Hounds exercise.
3. Optimal and quasi-optimal masks for p- and g-modes,
and mode identification.
4. G-mode search and current limits on g-mode amplitudes.
5. New data analysis techniques (wavelets, denoising,
cross-spectra etc)
6. Other topics of interest.
If you are interested in attending the workshop at Stanford, please
complete the registration form at:
by December 1, 1999.
The Workshop will take place in the HEPL Conference Room (map)
on Stanford Campus (map).
The HEPL visitor parking lot will be available to the participants. Computer
access will be available at HEPL Annex A. Instructions on reaching the
Stanford campus are available at
Scientific sessions will begin at 9:00 am and consist of contributed
talks and discussions. There will be no poster sessions. If you are
interested in a contributed talk, please, submit a title and an abstract
using a WWW abstract form at
by December 1, 1999.
In conjunction with this Workshop, there will be a special session on the Structure and Rotation of the Solar Core at the AGU Meeting in San Francisco (December 13-17, 1999). The oral part of this session will be held on Monday, December 13, 1999, and the posters will displayed on Tuesday, December 14, 1999. The information about the AGU Meeting is available at
Participants should make their own hotel reservation. The hotel information is available at Please, make your reservation as soon as possible because the Stanford area is quite busy.
If there is sufficient interest the Workshop proceedings will be published in a special issue of the New Astronomy journal.
Alexander Kosovichev
Philip Scherrer
Margie Stehle
455 Via Palou, HEPL Annex B208 Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-4085 Phone: 650-723-1505
Alexander Kosovichev
445 Via Palou, HEPL Annex A204 Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-4085 Phone: 650-723-7667