Pre-registration #1
First Name....: Alexander
Last Name.....: Kosovichev
Institution...: Stanford University
Address ......: 455 Via Palou, Stanford, CA 94305-4085, USA
Phone ........: 650-723-7667
Fax ..........: 650-725-2333
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: Results of the H&H exercise
Pre-registration #2
First Name....: Toutain
Last Name.....: Thierry
Institution...: Observatoire de Nice
Address ......: BP 4229, 06304 Nice cedex 04, France
Phone ........: 33 4 92003049
Fax ..........: 33 4 92003121
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: .
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #3
First Name....: Thierry
Last Name.....: Appourchaux
Institution...: ESA
Address ......: P.O.Box 299, 2200AG, Noordwijk
Phone ........: 31-71565-3513
Fax ..........: 31-71565-3497
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: Optimal masks and the art of fitting
Solar core rotation
Hares and hounds report
Others (2?) are TBD
Pre-registration #4
First Name....: yvonne
Last Name.....: elsworth
Institution...: School of Physics and Astronomy
Address ......: University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B152TT, UK
Phone ........: 44-121-414-4597
Fax ..........: 44-121-414-4577
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: Not yet sorted, however, someone from Bison should talk
Pre-registration #5
First Name....: Alexander
Last Name.....: Kosovichev
Institution...: Stanford University
Address ......: 455 Via Palou, Stanford, CA 94305-4085, USA
Phone ........: 1-650-723-6776
Fax ..........: 1-650-725-2333
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: Inversions of low-degree modes
Pre-registration #6
First Name....: Rafael
Last Name.....: Garcia
Institution...: SAp CEA/Saclay
Address ......: L'Orme des Merisieres, Bat. 709, F-91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France
Phone ........: 33 1 69 08 27 25
Fax ..........: 33 1 69 08 65 77
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: Low degree p & g modes analysis from the GOLF experiment.
Pre-registration #7
First Name....: Frederic
Last Name.....: Baudin
Institution...: IAS
Address ......: Bat. 121, Campus d'Orsay, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France
Phone ........: +33 1 69 85 86 07
Fax ..........: +33 1 69 85 87 01
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: .
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #8
First Name....: Steven
Last Name.....: Tomczyk
Institution...: HAO/NCAR
Address ......: P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO, 80307-3000, USA
Phone ........: 303-497-1579
Fax ..........: 303-497-1589
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #9
First Name....: Bernhard
Last Name.....: Fleck
Institution...: ESA Space Science Department
Address ......: NASA/GSFC Mailcode 682.3, Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone ........: 301-286-4098
Fax ..........: 301-286-0264
E-mail .......: 301-286-
The probability of my attendance is: 25-75%
I would like to give a presentation: no.
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #10
First Name....: Carl
Last Name.....: Henney
Institution...: UCLA
Address ......: 8979 MSA, 405 Hilgard Avenue, LA, CA 90095-1562, USA
Phone ........: (310) 794-5582
Fax ..........: (310) 206-2096
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #11
First Name....: Jesper
Last Name.....: Schou
Institution...: Stanford University
Address ......: 445 Via Palou, Stanford, CA 94305-4085, USA
Phone ........: +16507259826
Fax ..........: +16507252333
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: Who knows?
Pre-registration #12
First Name....: Patrick
Last Name.....: BOUMIER
Institution...: IAS/CNRS
Address ......: bat. 121, Univ. Paris XI, 91405 ORSAY Cedex, FRANCE
Phone ........: 33 01 69 85 85 87
Fax ..........: 33 01 69 85 87 01
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: 25-75%
I would like to give a presentation: no.
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #13
First Name....: Sarbani
Last Name.....: Basu
Institution...: Inst. for Advanced Study
Address ......: Olden Lane, Princeton NJ 08540, USA
Phone ........: 1-609-734-8020
Fax ..........: 1-609-951-4402
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #14
First Name....: Luca
Last Name.....: Bertello
Institution...: UCLA - Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
Address ......: 8117 Math Sciences Building
Phone ........: 310 825 5183
Fax ..........: 310 206 2096
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: Comparison of low frequency modes between GOLF and MDI
Pre-registration #15
First Name....: Torben
Last Name.....: Leifsen
Institution...: Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo
Address ......: P.O. Box 1029, Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway
Phone ........: +47 22 85 75 23
Fax ..........: +47 22 85 65 05
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: The influence of solar activity on the amplitude modulation of l=0 modes
Pre-registration #16
First Name....: Maria Cristina
Last Name.....: Rabello-Soares
Institution...: Stanford University
Address ......: 455 Via Palou, Stanford, CA 94305-4085, USA
Phone ........:
Fax ..........:
E-mail .......: csoares@phil.Stanford.EDU
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: .
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #17
First Name....: Sabrina
Last Name.....: Thiery
Institution...: Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
Address ......: Universite Paris Sud,Batiment 121,91405 ORSAY cedex,France
Phone ........: (0033)0169858743
Fax ..........: (0033)0169858675
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #18
First Name....: Frank
Last Name.....: Hill
Institution...: NOAO/NSO
Address ......: PO Box 26732, Tucson AZ 85726-6732
Phone ........: 520-318-8138
Fax ..........: 520-318-8278
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: no.
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #19
First Name....: Bill
Last Name.....: Chaplin
Institution...: University of Birmingham/ESTEC
Address ......: Univ. Birmingham, Edbgaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK
Phone ........: +44-121-414-4598/4599
Fax ..........: +44-121-414-4577
E-mail .......: OR
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: Someone from the BiSON team will be interested in giving
a talk. Note that I am at ESTEC until early August, and return
to Birmingham in early September. (Hence the mix of e-mails
etc., given above.)
Pre-registration #20
First Name....: Ian
Last Name.....: Roxburgh
Institution...: Queen Mary, University of London
Address ......: Mile End Road, London E11 2DW, UK
Phone ........: +44 171 975 5441
Fax ..........: 44 181 983 3522
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: Semi-Classical approximation for low degree stellar p-modes
I W Roxburgh and S V Vorontsov
Pre-registration #21
First Name....: Chia-Hsien
Last Name.....: Lin
Institution...: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southern California
Address ......: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southern California, LA, CA90089-0484, USA
Phone ........:
Fax ..........:
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: no.
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #22
First Name....: Thierry
Last Name.....: Corbard
Institution...: HAO
Address ......: 450 Mitchell Lane, Boulder, CO 80301, USA
Phone ........: (1)3034971565
Fax ..........: (1)3034971589
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: 25-75%
I would like to give a presentation: no.
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #23
First Name....: Sebastian
Last Name.....: Jimenez-Reyes
Institution...: High Altitude Observatory
Address ......: High Altitude Observatory, NCAR, PO Box 3000,Boulder, CO 80307, USA
Phone ........: 303-497-1571
Fax ..........: 303-497-1589
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: .
Tentative title: Solar activity mode parameters from LOWL experiment: 1994-1999
Pre-registration #24
First Name....: Ferenc
Last Name.....: Varadi
Institution...: UCLA, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Div. of Astronomy
Address ......: 405 Hilgard Av., Los Angeles, CA 90095-1562
Phone ........: (310) 206 6484
Fax ..........: (310) 206 3051
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: Random Lag Singular Cross-Spectrum Analysis
Pre-registration #25
First Name....: Chengmin
Last Name.....: zhang
Institution...: IFT, UNESP
Address ......: Pomplona 145, Bela vista, 01405-900, Sao Paulo, Brasil
Phone ........: 55-11-31779080
Fax ..........: 55-11-31779080
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: no.
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #26
First Name....: Patrick
Last Name.....: Boumier
Institution...: IAS/CNRS
Address ......: bat. 121 Universite Paris XI, 91405 ORSAY Cedex, FRANCE
Phone ........: (33) 1 69 85 85 87
Fax ..........: (33) 1 69 85 87 01
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: 25-75%
I would like to give a presentation: no.
Tentative title:
Pre-registration #27
First Name....: Gavryuseva
Last Name.....: Elena
Institution...: Arcetri. Astrophysical Observatory
Address ......: via Largo E.Fermi, 5, Florence 50125 Italy
Phone ........: 39-(0)347-6018218
Fax ..........: 39-055-2752 292
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: 25-75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: Frequencies, splittings, line widths, amplitudes and
excitation of low-l oscillations from 4 years of observations
by GONG.
Pre-registration #28
First Name....: Judit
Last Name.....: Pap
Institution...: UCLA/Univ. Colorado - NOAA Space Environment Center
Address ......: 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303
Phone ........: 303-497-6458
Fax ..........: 303-497-3645
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: The effect of active regions on the SOHO/VIRGO total and
spectral irradiances
Pre-registration #29
First Name....: CLARA
Last Name.....: REGULO
Institution...: IAC
Address ......: Via Lactea s/n 38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, SPAIN
Phone ........: 34 922 318140
Fax ..........: 34 22 605210
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is: >75%
I would like to give a presentation: yes.
Tentative title: Noise Reduction in GOLF spectra using wavelets
Pre-registration #30
First Name....: Alexander
Last Name.....: Kosovichev
Address ......:
Phone ........:
Fax ..........:
E-mail .......:
The probability of my attendance is:
I would like to give a presentation: .
Tentative title: