4th SOHO Workshop on Helioseimology
The Fourth SOHO Workshop will take place on April 2-6, 1995, at the
Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, USA, hosted by
the Solar Oscillations Investigation group at Stanford University. This
announcement includes the program of invited papers and scientific
sessions, plus logistical arrangements. A final announcement is also
being sent by regular mail, containing maps and other useful information.
A registration table will be set up in the Asilomar Administration
Building (see map), beginning at 3 pm on Sunday, 2 April. When you
arrive at Asilomar, please go to the Administration Building to receive
your meeting materials and housing assignment. Someone will be at the
SOHO Registration table until 6 pm. If you arrive after 6 pm, the
people at the Asilomar front desk will be able to help you.
Beginning at 7 pm, the SOHO registration table will move to the poster
room, Firelight Forum, where the Opening Night Reception will be held.
If you arrive later in the evening, you will still need to go to the
Administration Building for housing check-in.
Full housing and registration fees must be paid upon arrival at Asilomar.
The registration fee at that time is $250. Payment may
be in the form of cash, personal check, money order, or travelers
checks. Credit cards cannot be accepted. Sorry, we cannot accept
checks from banks outside of the United States, or payment in any
currency other than U.S. dollars. Payments by foreign conference
participants should be submitted in cash (U.S. dollars), U.S. travelers
checks, or a money order in U.S. dollars, through a U.S. bank.
Please make checks payable to Stanford University.
If you must have a check already made out before coming to the meeting,
please check with Margie Stehle to find out what your total will be.
As noted below, many people will owe amounts different from what
was stated on the Housing Registration Form.
Participants will be housed either at Asilomar or at nearby motels.
Because the response to our 2nd Announcement was so great, there are
not enough rooms available at the Conference Center to house all
participants. Because of this, the amount of money owed for housing
may not be the same as appeared on the 2nd Announcement. Specifically,
many participants may be housed in Deluxe units when they had requested
Historic (all Historic rooms were assigned by the day of the
housing deadline (27 January) and Deluxe units were gone soon
afterward), and others will be in motels, where the prices are higher.
An e-mail message was sent to many participants who had requested
single rooms, asking if they would be willing to share a room, in an
attempt to have everyone housed at Asilomar. If you did not receive
that message, and would be willing to share, please let Margie Stehle
know as soon as possible
It's one good way to save money!
The 4th SOHO Workshop will focus on the planned scientific analyses and
measured prelaunch performance of the three helioseismology
investigations: VIRGO, GOLF, and SOI. The workshop is also the 1995
GONG Meeting. Meetings of various project science teams will be
interspersed with general scientific sessions.
An important goal of the workshop is to promote collaborations among
experimenters, analysts, and theorists. We will get an overview of our
discipline, see the latest results of our colleagues, and be challenged
to think about new directions. The meeting will consist of a broad
range of invited review talks, contributed posters, and working group
sessions focused on specific science topics and project team
The reviews often introduce the following discussion sessions. If you
would like to make a specific contribution to one of the working
groups, please contact the organizer. The working groups cover
everything from general scientific questions to specific data analysis
details. The traditional GONG teams, the SOI science teams, and a few
purely scientific sessions have sometimes been merged. The letter key
in the program may help you identify the GONG and SOI Team
All contributed talks will be presented as posters. Several sessions
have been set aside for poster viewing. Refreshments will be provided
during all scheduled poster hours. We currently plan to have all
posters up for the entire meeting, though the large number of
contributions makes space a little tight. Because space is so tight,
we require that you do not exceed the 4 foot square space guidelines.
A few contributors have submitted several abstracts; no author will be
allocated more than 4 by 8 without special permission. Posters should
be set up on Sunday evening or Monday. Each author will be asked to
specify a time when s/he will be present to discuss the results with
others. Details will be provided when you check in at the meeting.
Meetings begin each day at 8:30 am. The morning and afternoon
are divided into two 90 minute sessions that include plenary reviews
and parallel working group meetings. Each day closes with a poster
session. Refreshments will be available in the poster area later in
the evening as well. Lunches and breaks are generous to encourage
interaction. The sessions have been organized topically with no more
than two working groups meeting in parallel. Each residence at
Asilomar has a small meeting area that can be used for additional small
groups as well.
ESA will publish the conference proceedings soon after the conference,
according to formatting rules that have already been provided to those
submitting abstracts. The size budget for contributed paper is 6
pages. Invited reviews may be as long as 16 pages, as may working
group reports. If you have questions about your manuscript or the
publication procedure, please contact the organizers or the ESA editor
(Bruce Battrick, bbattric@vmprofs.estec.esa.nl) as soon as possible.
Through the kindness of Rob Rutten, a LaTex template is available:
please contact Margie Stehle if you would like a copy. To facilitate
rapid publication, contributed papers must be provided in camera ready
form at the meeting or shortly thereafter.
Pacific Grove is situated approximately 125 miles south of San
Francisco. It is possible to fly to the Monterey Airport from either
the San Francisco or San Jose International Airports.
The fare to Monterey from San Francisco is $138 round-trip
on United Express, and from San Jose, $193 round-trip on Reno Air.
>From the Monterey Airport, a taxi ride to Asilomar will cost
approximately $10. Alternatively, rental cars can be procured for the
drive of about 2 hours from San Francisco or 1 hour from San Jose.
Once at Asilomar, automobiles will not be necessary. The registration
fee includes bus transportation to the Monterey Bay Aquarium for the
banquet on Wednesday night.
It is likely to be cool at Asilomar in April, with daytime temperatures
ranging from the 50s to the 70s (possibly higher), and night-time
temperatures possibly dropping lower. Rain is quite possible, as is
fog. It might be warm and absolutely beautiful, or wet and miserable.
Be prepared for anything! Dress will be very casual throughout the
meeting, with jeans being normal wear. You might want to dress up a
bit for the Aquarium dinner, but that's entirely optional.
Messages may be left for you at the Asilomar Conference Center: the
number is 1-408-372-8016. Telephone messages will be delivered to
conferees' rooms. The fax number is 1-408-372-7227.
Letters may be addressed to conferees with their name and the name
of the conference in care of
Asilomar Conference Center,
P.O. Box 537,
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
The Scientific Organizing Committee members are J.T. Hoeksema,
chairman; V. Domingo; C. Froehlich; A. Gabriel; D. Gough; A.
Kosovichev; J. Leibacher; and P. Scherrer. The Local Organizers are
Todd Hoeksema and Margie Stehle. The SOC wishes to thank the invited
reviewers and working group leaders for their contributions. The
Organizers would also like to acknowledge the financial support of the
SOI/MDI project, ESA's SOHO Project Office, NASA's SOHO Project Office,
the GONG Project, and the organizers of the 3rd SOHO Workshop.