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MDI ceased regular science operations in early 2011.
MDI Magnetogram availabiliy is presented in coverage maps
Enter a date in the field below to retrieve a table linking to that day's magnetograms and the
daily update of the synoptic charts. Data and plots can be downloaded.
Examples and descriptions of products are available at the bottom of this page.
The Daily datasets consist of one or more of the following four types of data:
96m Data Plot -
A gif of postage stamp images of the nominally 15 MDI magnetograms taken each day
with a 96 minute cadence. These plots are made from definitive data as opposed to
preliminary data, and will generally not be available until a few weeks after
data collection.
Preliminary Data -
Downloadable quick-look magnetic data files. There are typically only a few images per day. They are usually available
one or two days after data collection, and are only available through these pages until the definitive
magnetograms are generated. WARNING: These data are not properly calibrated and should be used with care.
fd_96m Definitive Data -
A directory listing of the magnetogram data sets for the
corresponding day. Shift-click the .fits files to retrieve the
fits file containing the magnetic data. The file sequence
number indicates the 96-minute slot and corresponds to the above postage
stamps numbers. These plots may not be available until a few weeks after data collection.
Preliminary Synoptic Charts -
Synoptic charts generated each day from the EOF (preliminary) magnetograms. The
preliminary charts are averaged from the full resolutuion to a more managable 720*360;
they extend 60 degrees east of the central meridian. Gif (color), compressed postscript (B/W),
or fits versions are available for downloading. These are typically available one or two days after
data collection. Daily preliminary synoptic charts are replaced with daily Definitive Synoptic Charts as
the definitive data are processed.