# Name: test # # Date: # # created: 09 05 1994 SDW # revisions: # # Change Description # # None # # MDI Author: Scott Williams 415-725-0482 # # Description # # This procedure performs a limited checkout of the alignment # mechanism. # # Intended Use # # Initial checkout of MDI AM subsystem # # Duration # # ? # # Requirements and Constraints # # MDI in SAFE mode. Medium rate telemetry support required for # duration of power on sequence. MDI Operator on station to support # verification of procedure. # # Steps # # Step Description Command Monitor Value # 1 record & store initial position # set P1 = mxam1pos mxam1pos # set P2 = mxam2pos mxam2pos # 2 establish test values which allow for # hysteresis in pots # set P3 = P1 - 12.0 # set P4 = P2 - 12.0 # 3 increment leg 1 100 steps mbam1inc mkam1cmd +100 # mbam1inc 100 # 4 wait 45 sec # 5 record position mxam1pos # mxam2pos # 6 decrement leg 2 100 steps mbam2dec mkam2cmd -100 # mbam2dec 100 # 7 wait 45 sec # 8 record position & verify motion mxam1pos P3 # mxam2pos >P4 # 15 record MDI current, either MIPWA <2.0 # or MIPWB # 16 end of procedure