# Name: M_FDCLOSE # # Date: # # created: 08 10 1994 SDW # revisions: # # Change Description # # MDI Author: Scott Williams 415-725-0482 # # Description # # This procedure powers up the MDI front door, closes the door with both # motors, verifies the open status for the door and leaves the door motor # controller powered ON. Closing the door is part of the transition from # STANDBY to SAFE mode. # # Intended Use # # To close the MDI front door and transition from STANDBY to SAFE mode # # Duration # # ? # # Requirements and Constraints # # MDI in STANDBY mode. Medium rate telemetry support required for # duration of power on sequence. MDI Operator on station to support # verification of procedure. MDI operator verification required for # each step before continuing. # # Steps # # Step Description Command Monitor Value # 1 verify MDI front door open MSFDCLN "NOT CLOSED" # MSFDCLR "NOT CLOSED" # MSFDOPN "OPEN" # MSFDOPR "OPEN" # either mkfdmtr1 "NOT CLOSED" # or mkfdmtr2 "NOT CLOSED" # either mkfdopn1 "OPEN" # or mkfdopn2 "OPEN" # mkfdmove "NOT MOVING" # 2 reset front door controller mbfdrs # 3 turn on 15V power to front door mbpwfdon mkpwfd "ON" # 4 close front door with both motors mbfdbc mkfdmove "MOVING" # 5 wait time 35 seconds for door to close # 6 verify door closed MSFDCLN "CLOSED" # MSFDCLR "CLOSED" # MSFDOPN "NOT OPEN" # MSFDOPR "NOT OPEN" # mkfdmtr1 "CLOSED" # mkfdmtr2 "CLOSED" # mkfdopn1 "NOT OPEN" # mkfdopn2 "NOT OPEN" # mkfdstat "COMPLETED" # mkfdfunc "CLOSE BOTH" # mkfdmove "NOT MOVING" # 7 record close time mkfdtime ~400 # 8 verify 15V power to front door ON mkpwfd "ON" # 9 end of procedure