; ; FILE: do_dmp_ipreg ; PURPOSE: To dump the IP registers as a data product. It runs as ; a subroutine, not a program ; RESTRICTION: It assumes that DMPMEM.IPS is loaded starting at 0x1E38 ; HISTORY: Written 8-Sep-95 ; 12-Sep-95 (MDM) - Added a wait BEFORE the dump call also (needed?) ; 13-Sep-95 (MDM) - Added a PURGELST call to wait 82 msec before ; looking for non-busy page 9 (it takes a bit ; before it's acted on) ; 20-Sep-95 (MDM) - Added capability to skip the dumpping action ; (look at reg $IPRL_DEBUG_SKIP) ; 25-Sep-95 (MDM) - Moved flag from R4094 to R8190 ; 16-Nov-95 (MDM) - Changed the routine to not be a debug dump but ; to be a more general dump ipreg subroutine. ; - Stopped using DMPMEM.IPS code and modified to ; use the DOWNLINK subroutine so that other downlinks ; are interrupted properly. ; 16-Nov-95 (MDM) - Patched to set the length register before downlink ; 11-Dec-95 (MDM) - Changed the DPC from bfffff65 to 20010000 ; 14-Dec-95 (MDM) - Renamed from "do_dump_ipreg" to "do_dmp_ipreg" to ; work with the egse after applying the versioning ; to the file name "v03_1" and check-pointing "q_" ; ; QSR_DUMP_IPREG:: SETREGS R3576 6 0x2001 0x0000 0xe000 0x800b 0x2000 0 ;------- vvvvvvv Extracted from DMPMEM.IPS ------------ COPYREG R3580 R3582 COPYREG R3581 R3583 SETREGS R3580 2 9:0x00226 SETREGS R3572 4 0:0x00001 0x4800 0 HRDINIT R3572 _MOVBLKI R3578 ; START1HR 0x13 0x4800 R3582 ;------- ^^^^^^^ Extracted from DMPMEM.IPS ------------ SETREG $IPRP_HDECODE_PAGE9+3 0 ; set n/k to be raw SETREGS $IPRP_HDECODE_PAGE9+8 2 8192L ; Set the length properly SETREG $IPRL_DL_PARAM 0x4800 CALLQUE $QSR_DL_1PAGE RTNQUE END