; FILE: hr_me_fe.ips ; PURPOSE: Make a high resolution magnetogram and ; downlink the extracted continuum filtergram and magnetogram ; HISTORY: 22-Jul-96 by M.Morrison QPROG_HR_ME_FE:: BRANCHEQ R3072 10 &DONE ;don't do anything with frame 10 ;the processing at frame 9 takes so long ;that when it returns from the "HR_MVL30" ;subroutine call, the frame number has changed! CALLQUE $QSR_HR_MVL30 ;do all of the work BRANCHLT R3072 9 &DONE ;don't do anything unless frame 9 (or 10) COPYRD2D $IPRL_EXTRACT_85K $IPRL_EXTRACT_PARAM 6 ;setup the parameters to be used by the extract subroutine CALLQUE $QSR_STD_EFMT_CONTF ;---- Extract 600 lines from continuum and compress CALLQUE $QSR_STD_EFMT_MAG ;---- Extract 600 lines from velocity ;---- Downlink the two observables SETREGS $IPRL_DL_PARAM 2 0x9000 0x9800 ;downlink CALLQUE $QSR_DL_2PAGE ;0.6 sec DONE: END