; FILE: mk_fltgram.ips ; PURPOSE: To take an image and to extract it to 1024x1024 and give it ; a header ; METHOD: ; Input: ; $IPRL_FLTGRAM_PARAM - ; HISTORY: Written 25-Aug-95 by M.Morrison ; 30-Aug-95 (MDM) - Cleaned up and changed subroutine calls ; 18-Sep-95 (MDM) - Fixed param copy for EXTRACT_PARAM (copy 6, not 5 words) ; 17-Oct-95 (MDM) - Corrected error which was clobbering HDECODE_PAGE0 ; 19-Oct-94 (MDM) - Modified to do the extract directly rather than using ; the extract subroutine (conflicts exist otherwise in ; the use of the offset value -- need two different ; offset values) ; 16-Nov-95 (MDM) - Changed the subroutine call for the debug statement ; from QSR_DUMP_IPREG to QSR_DEBUG_IPREG QSR_MK_FLTGRAM:: ;-------- decode the source and dest page info COPYREG $IPRL_FLTGRAM_PARAM+1 $IPRL_HDECODE_PARAM ;copy the source page high word into a known fixed place COPYREG $IPRL_FLTGRAM_PARAM+3 $IPRL_HDECODE_PARAM+1 ;copy the destin page high word into a known fixed place CALLQUE $QSR_DO_HDECODE ;decode the value - GETQADR $IPRL_DEBUG_ADDR CALLQUE $QSR_DEBUG_IPREG ;------- setup the header stuff for the dest page COPYRI2D $IPRP_HDECODE_ADDR+1 $IPRL_HEAD_WORK 10 ;copy the register list to a fixed working area COPYRD2D $IPRL_FLTGRAM_PARAM+8 $IPRL_HEAD_WORK+3 3 ;copy the n/k, dpc(l), and dpc(h) into the HRDINIT slot COPYREG $IPRL_FLTGRAM_PARAM+2 $IPRL_HEAD_WORK+6 ;copy the final dest(l) COPYREG $IPRL_FLTGRAM_PARAM+3 $IPRL_HEAD_WORK+7 ;copy the final dest(h) SETREGS $IPRL_HEAD_WORK+8 2 0x100000L ;set the output number of pixels COPYRD2I $IPRL_HEAD_WORK $IPRP_HDECODE_ADDR+1 10 ;copy the register list back to the slot GETQADR $IPRL_DEBUG_ADDR CALLQUE $QSR_DEBUG_IPREG _EXTRACT $IPRL_FLTGRAM_PARAM ;Do a fixed extract of 1024x1024 from 1040x1033 CALLQUE $QSR_DO_HEADER ;------- Setup the header and page info and then perform the 1024x1024 extract ;;COPYRD2D $IPRL_FLTGRAM_PARAM $IPRL_EXTRACT_INST 4 ;set the source/dest pages ;;COPYRD2D $IPRL_EXTRACT_1024 $IPRL_EXTRACT_PARAM 6 ;setup the parameters to be used by the extract subroutine ;;CALLQUE $QSR_FMT_EXTRACT GETQADR $IPRL_DEBUG_ADDR CALLQUE $QSR_DEBUG_IPREG RTNQUE