; FILE: prog_hr_mvc60.ips ; PURPOSE: Make a high resolution magnetogram from a 60 sec observation ; 2 double scans each in LCP and RCP ; Downlink either: ; mag + continuum filtergram (sqrt comp) 4b002000 & 40083e00 ; mag + average line depth (sqrt comp) 4b002000 & 44023e00 ; (OR) ; mag + average dopplergram 4b002000 & 4a022e00 ; METHOD: ; LCP in page 0 & 6 ; RCP in page 1 & 4 ; FC in page 3 & 5 (Si) ; F1,2,3,4 in page 2 (Sd) ; ; VEL-RCP in page 5 ; LINE-DEP (RCP) in page 17 ; VEL-LCP in page 15 ; LINE-DEP (LCP) in page 18 ; LINE-DEP (Avg) in page 19 ; LINE-DEP (Avg) comp to 1 extract into page 19 ; ; MAG in page 6 extracted into page 4 ; VEL-AVG in page 7 extracted into page 15 ; ; CONT flgram 1024 extract in page 0 ; CONT flgram comp to 18 extracted into page 17 ; HISTORY: Written 27-Feb-96 by M.Morrison ; 29-Feb-96 (MDM) - Removed the continuum observable calculation ; - Added QPROG_HR_MC60:: SETREGS $IPRL_DL_PARAM 2 0x8800 0x2000 ;downlink continuum and mag GOTO &INCOMING_IMG QPROG_HR_ML60:: SETREGS $IPRL_DL_PARAM 2 0x9800 0x2000 ;downlink line-depth and mag GOTO &INCOMING_IMG QPROG_HR_MV60:: SETREGS $IPRL_DL_PARAM 2 0x7800 0x2000 ;downlink avg-dop and mag INCOMING_IMG: COPYRD2D $IPRL_EXTRACT_80K $IPRL_EXTRACT_PARAM 6 ;setup the parameters to be used by the extract subroutine BRANCHEQ R3072 18 &FRM18 BRANCHEQ R3072 19 &FRM19 BRANCHEQ R3072 20 &FRM20 END FRM18: ;---- Make RCP velocity SETREGS $IPRL_VEL_PARAM 8 1:0x00514 4:0x00514 5:0x00726 3 127 SETREGS $IPRL_VEL_PARAM+8 6 1 0xe5 0x4a00 0x2000 1 16 CALLQUE $QSR_MK_VEL ;1.7 sec ;---- Line depth (for RCP) SETREGS $IPRL_LDEP_PARAM 9 1:0x00514 4:0x00514 17:0x00726 10 127 8 SETREGS $IPRL_LDEP_PARAM+9 3 0xe4 0x4400 0x2000 CALLQUE $QSR_MK_LDEP ;0.6 sec END FRM19: ;---- Make LCP velocity SETREGS $IPRL_VEL_PARAM 8 0:0x00514 6:0x00514 15:0x00726 3 127 SETREGS $IPRL_VEL_PARAM+8 6 1 0xe5 0x4a01 0x2000 1 16 CALLQUE $QSR_MK_VEL ;1.7 sec ;---- Line depth (for LCP) SETREGS $IPRL_LDEP_PARAM 9 0:0x00514 6:0x00514 18:0x00726 10 127 8 SETREGS $IPRL_LDEP_PARAM+9 3 0xe4 0x4401 0x2000 CALLQUE $QSR_MK_LDEP ;0.6 sec ;---- Make the average line depth SETREGS $IPRL_SUMDIFF_PARAM 10 17:0x00726 18:0x00726 19:0x00726 16 0xe2 0x4402 0x2000 ;??? 16??? CALLQUE $QSR_DO_SUM ;0.3 sec ;---- Extract it and square-root it SETREGS $IPRL_EXTRACT_INST 4 19:0x0726 1:0x0226 ;setup source/destination page of the extract CALLQUE $QSR_FMT_EXTRACT ;0.3 sec END FRM20: ;---- Continuum filtergram (get it out of the way for next page 3 write) SETREGS $IPRL_FLTGRAM_PARAM 4 3:0x0000 0:0x0226 ;set source page and destination pages SETREGS $IPRL_FLTGRAM_PARAM+8 3 0xe2 0x4008 0x2000 ;last three words are n/k, dpc(h,l) CALLQUE $QSR_MK_FLTGRAM ;0.3 sec ;vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv could be done at FRAME19, but want it done in order SETREGS $IPRL_SQRT_PARAM 4 1:0x00226 19:0x0726 CALLQUE $QSR_SQRT_COMP ;0.3 sec ;---- Subtract two velocities to make the mag SETREGS $IPRL_MAG_PARAM 6 5:0x00726 15:0x00726 6:0x00726 SETREGS $IPRL_MAG_PARAM+6 5 0x100000L 1 0xFFFF 13 SETREGS $IPRL_MAG_PARAM+11 3 0xe4 0x4b00 0x2000 CALLQUE $QSR_MK_MAG ;0.3 sec ;---- Make the average dopplergram SETREGS $IPRL_SUMDIFF_PARAM 10 5:0x00726 15:0x00726 7:0x00726 13 0xe4 0x4a02 0x2000 CALLQUE $QSR_DO_SUM ;0.3 sec ;---- Extract the mag and avg-dop data SETREGS $IPRL_EXTRACT_INST 4 6:0x0726 4:0x0726 ;setup source/destination page of the extract CALLQUE $QSR_FMT_EXTRACT ;extract the image 0.3 sec SETREGS $IPRL_EXTRACT_INST 4 7:0x0726 15:0x0726 ;setup source/destination page of the extract CALLQUE $QSR_FMT_EXTRACT ;extract the image 0.3 sec ;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ could be done at FRAME19, but want it done in order ;---- Extract continuum and square-root it SETREGS $IPRL_EXTRACT_INST 4 0:0x00226 18:0x0726 ;setup source/destination page of the extract CALLQUE $QSR_FMT_EXTRACT ;extract the image 0.3 sec SETREGS $IPRL_SQRT_PARAM 4 18:0x00726 17:0x0726 CALLQUE $QSR_SQRT_COMP ;0.3 sec ;---- Downlink the two observables CALLQUE $QSR_DL_2PAGE ;0.6 sec END