Log File: 101012_224446 22:44:46 q_seq_options_v09:Starting... 22:45:36 q_seq_options_v09:Block 10 completed OK. 22:46:51 q_seq_options_v09:Block 11 completed OK. 22:46:57 q_seq_options_v09:Falling off the bottom. 17:15:06 q_seq_options_v09:Starting... 17:16:13 q_seq_options_v09:Block 11 completed OK. 17:16:21 q_seq_options_v09:Falling off the bottom. 17:59:45 q_seq_options_v09:Starting... 20:40:32 q_seq_options_v09:Starting... 20:41:48 q_seq_options_v09:Block 11 completed OK. 20:41:54 q_seq_options_v09:Falling off the bottom. 21:22:30 q_seq_options_v09:Starting... 21:24:02 q_seq_options_v09:Block 11 completed OK. 21:24:18 q_seq_options_v09:Falling off the bottom. 21:05:14 q_seq_options_v09:Starting... 21:06:24 q_seq_options_v09:Block 11 completed OK. 21:06:49 q_seq_options_v09:Falling off the bottom. 21:18:46 q_seq_options_v09:Starting... 21:19:54 q_seq_options_v09:Block 11 completed OK. 21:21:18 q_seq_options_v09:Falling off the bottom. 22:03:58 q_seq_options_v09:Starting... 22:05:29 q_seq_options_v09:CMD CT ERR in block 11. cmd ctr: 148 (Sent 9 cmds; expected cmd ctr: 147) Halted. (restart at line 428) 22:12:30 q_seq_options_v09:Starting... 22:13:44 q_seq_options_v09:Block 11 completed OK. 22:13:54 q_seq_options_v09:Falling off the bottom. 16:06:20 q_seq_options_v09:Starting... 16:07:14 q_seq_options_v09:Block 16 completed OK. 16:07:21 q_seq_options_v09:Falling off the bottom.