Log File: 970710_160011 16:00:11 q_seq_options_v08:Starting... 16:06:55 q_seq_options_v08:CMD CT ERR in block 12. cmd ctr: 43 (Sent 1 cmds; expected cmd ctr: 108) Halted. (restart at line 473) 16:08:56 q_seq_options_v08:Override. Continuing past block 12... 16:10:08 q_seq_options_v08:CMD CT ERR in block 13. cmd ctr: 161 (Sent 1 cmds; expected cmd ctr: 137) Halted. (restart at line 504) 16:10:21 q_seq_options_v08:Override. Continuing past block 13... 16:10:45 q_seq_options_v08:Falling off the bottom. 04:04:22 q_seq_options_v08:Starting... 04:06:03 q_seq_options_v08:Block 10 completed OK. 04:06:37 q_seq_options_v08:Falling off the bottom. 04:07:05 q_seq_options_v08:Starting... 04:08:01 q_seq_options_v08:Block 12 completed OK. 04:10:02 q_seq_options_v08:Block 13 completed OK. 04:11:16 q_seq_options_v08:Block 10 completed OK.