; FILE: prog_fd_cont.ips ; PURPOSE: Extract and downlink a full disk continuum filtergram ; HISTORY: Written 18-Apr-96 by M.Morrison QPROG_FD_CONTFLT:: BRANCHEQ R3072 10 &FRM10 END FRM10: ;---- Step #1: Making the observable SETREGS $IPRL_FLTGRAM_PARAM 4 3:0x0000 17:0x0726 ;set source page and destination pages COPYRD2D $IPRL_FD_CONTFLT $IPRL_FLTGRAM_PARAM+8 3 ;last three words are n/k, dpc(h,l) CALLQUE $QSR_MK_FLTGRAM ;---- Step #2: Downlinking the observable SETREG $IPRL_DL_PARAM 0x8800 ;setup the source page to downlink (page 17) CALLQUE $QSR_DL_1PAGE ;downlink the image END