; FILE: prog_fd_vlc60.ips ; PURPOSE: Make a full disk velocity, line-depth, and continuum observable ; from a 60 sec observation. Downlink any one of the above. ; METHOD: ; Sa in page 0 ; Sc in page 1 ; Sd in page 2 ; Si in page 3 ; Dopplergram in page 5 ; Line-depth in page 6 sqrt compress in page 7 ; MK_CONT temp storage of Si in page 17 ; MK_CONT temp storage of Sd in page 18 ; Continuum in page 4 sqrt compress in page 19 ; HISTORY: Written 5-Mar-96 by M.Morrison ; 5-Mar-96 (MDM) - Adjusted the calling order so that MK_CONT is called ; immediately after receiving the last Si image ; (there is a page conflict otherwise) QPROG_FD_V60:: SETREG $IPRL_DL_PARAM 0x2800 ;downlink velocity GOTO &INCOMING_IMG QPROG_FD_L60:: SETREG $IPRL_DL_PARAM 0x3800 ;downlink line-depth GOTO &INCOMING_IMG QPROG_FD_C60:: SETREG $IPRL_DL_PARAM 0x9800 ;downlink continuum INCOMING_IMG: BRANCHEQ R3072 19 &FRM19 BRANCHEQ R3072 20 &FRM20 END FRM19: ;---- Make velocity SETREGS $IPRL_VEL_PARAM 8 0:0x00514 1:0x00514 5:0x00726 2 127 SETREGS $IPRL_VEL_PARAM+8 6 1 0xe5 0x4201 0x2000 1 13 ;Sa(l,h), Sc(l,h), Dest(l,h), shift, block, ;lookup, n/k, dpc(h,l), scaleX, shift CALLQUE $QSR_MK_VEL ;1.7 sec ;---- Make line depth SETREGS $IPRL_LDEP_PARAM 9 0:0x00514 1:0x00514 6:0x00726 7 127 7 SETREGS $IPRL_LDEP_PARAM+9 3 0xe4 0x4C00 0x2000 CALLQUE $QSR_MK_LDEP ;0.6 sec END FRM20: ;---- Make the continuum observable SETREGS $IPRL_CONT_PARAM 10 3:0x00514 6:0x00726 2:0x00514 4:0x00726 127 368 ;CADC=4*92 SETREGS $IPRL_CONT_PARAM+10 3 0xe4 0x4602 0x2000 CALLQUE $QSR_MK_CONT ;0.3 + 0.3 + 0.6 sec (2 extracts + CONT) ;---- Compress the line-depth SETREGS $IPRL_SQRT_PARAM 4 6:0x00726 7:0x0726 CALLQUE $QSR_SQRT_COMP ;0.3 sec ;---- Compress the continuum SETREGS $IPRL_SQRT_PARAM 4 4:0x00726 19:0x0726 CALLQUE $QSR_SQRT_COMP ;0.3 sec ;---- Downlink the observable CALLQUE $QSR_DL_1PAGE ;0.6 sec END