# File: nrt_resp # # Contains the Near Real Time (NRT) response code, reason code, # the command halt/continue flag if the command is running in a procedure # and the corresponding instrument error flag setting so that the MDI EGSE can # set it's own version of the instrument error flag. # See the Interface Control Document between the SOHO EOF ECS and SOHO # Instrumenters. # # FORMAT: status_codereason_codestop_procerror_flag_value # where: status_code is a 16 bit signed integer # where: indicates a whitespace separator of space(s) or tab(s) # where: reason_code is a 16 bit signed integer # where: stop_proc is 0 or 1 # 0 if the current command should NOT halt the current procedure # after getting this message # 1 if the current command should halt the current procedure # after getting this message # where: error_flag_value is 0 or 1 # 0 if the error flag is reset after getting this message # 1 if the error flag is set after getting this message # Lines beginning with a # are ignored # Lines beginning with a newline are ignored # Inline comments begin with # # 01 1 1 1 # Rejected - throughput mode is not enabled 01 2 1 1 # Rejected - syntax error found in this command group 01 3 1 1 # Rejected - mnemonic not found in PDB 01 4 1 1 # Rejected - format error found in message received 01 5 1 1 # Rejected - duplicate request id for this instrument 01 6 1 1 # Rejected - binary format disallowed for this instrument 01 7 1 0 # Rejected - reserved time commanding in progress 01 8 1 0 # Rejected - message received had invalid message type 01 9 1 1 # Rejected - invalid instrument for this socket 01 10 1 0 # Rejected - start-command request not received for instrument 01 11 1 1 # Rejected - instrument disabled by FOT or previous error 01 12 1 1 # Uplink failed BARM verification 01 13 1 1 # Uplink failed - NASCOM link is down 01 14 1 1 # RCR rejected - RCR processing disabled 01 15 1 1 # RCR rejected - was not on the approved list 01 16 1 1 # RCR rejected - STOL procedure not found 01 17 1 1 # Rejected - not uplinked within specified time 01 18 1 1 # RCR rejected - contained invalid command 01 19 1 1 # RCR rejected - contained critical command 01 20 1 1 # RCR rejected - not found 00 0 0 0 # OK - command group successfully uplinked 00 -1 0 0 # OK - command group uplinked without BARM verification 00 -2 0 0 # RPR notify - FOT has been notified to start the requested RPR 00 -3 0 0 # RCR begun - Requested RCR has begun