break - Define a procedure breakpoint break br[eak] ##label | proc_name | instr_num bye - Exit debug mode bye bye cancel - Remove either breakpoints or tracepoints cancel ca[ncel] br[eak] | tr[ace] [point_num | trace_num | all] deposit - Change the value of a variable in an executing control file deposit de[posit] (See Manual Page for options) examine - Display the values of variables in an executing control file examine ex[amine] 1 or more var_names separated by whitespace goto - Set the program counter goto goto ##label | instr_num run - Start execution of a procedure run run show - Display information about breakpoints or tracepoints show sh[ow] br[eak] | tr[ace] step - Execute a specified number of instructions step st[ep] [ number_of_instructions] trace - Define a procedure tracepoint trace tr[ace] List_of_variables | List_of_instructions