ITEMS:abort - (M,A) Aborts the currently running procedure SEL:abort MAN:abort, SYN:abort [all] ["message"] ITEMS:archive - (M,A) Creates a 'tar' file with cfl and database files SEL:archive MAN:archive, SYN:archive ITEMS:ask - (A) Creates a widget to prompt and get user's reply SEL:ask MAN:ask, SYN:ask var "prompt string" ITEMS:beep - (M,A) Beeps on local workstation SEL:beep MAN:beep, SYN:beep ITEMS:cd - (M,A) Display or change directories SEL:cd MAN:cd, SYN:cd [ c[fl] | h[istory] | sci5k | sci160k new_dir ] ITEMS:clear - (M,A) Clear the specified console window SEL:clear MAN:clear, SYN:clear 1 | 2 (1 = main console, 2 = command console) ITEMS:close - (M,A) Close the specified user file SEL:close MAN:close, SYN:close r | d | h OR close u file_name [print] ITEMS:compile - (M) Compile a procedure file or files SEL:compile MAN:compile, SYN:comp[ile] -a | -n | proc_name ITEMS:continue - (M,A) Continue the execution of a procedure file SEL:continue MAN:continue, SYN:(A) cont[inue] (M) cont[inue] line_no ITEMS:dbrel - (M,A) Display the database revision information SEL:dbrel MAN:dbrel, SYN:dbrel [ all|egse|tc|cal|sts|hk|sc ] default is 'all' ITEMS:descr - (A) Display the procedure description SEL:descr MAN:descr, SYN:descr string_constant ITEMS:dbgtask - (M) Turn on/off debug messages for an EGSE process SEL:dbgtask MAN:dbtask, SYN:dbg[task] task_name num where num is an integer ITEMS:display - (M,A) Display message or value in the display message area SEL:display MAN:display, SYN:disp[lay] "string" | ["fmt_str" var] [to pos] (pos = 0 to 78) ITEMS:exit - (A) Prematurely terminate the execution of a loop SEL:exit MAN:exit, SYN:exit if value operator value ITEMS:for - (A) Iterative execution of a block SEL:for MAN:for, SYN:for loop_var = i_value to l_value [ step s_value] end for ITEMS:goto - (A) Continue execution at source line specified by label SEL:goto MAN:goto, SYN:goto label where label is any alphanumeric token followed by ':' ITEMS:halt - (A) Suspend the execution of a procedure file SEL:halt MAN:halt, SYN:halt ITEMS:if - (A) Conditional execution of a block SEL:if MAN:if, SYN:if value operator value then stmt | block [else stmt | block] end if ITEMS:kill - (M,A) Kill a task created by the command 'spawn' SEL:kill MAN:kill, SYN:kill tag_string_var ITEMS:log - (M,A) Output a message to the history file SEL:log MAN:log, SYN:l[og] message ITEMS:menu - (M,A) Creates a widget with buttons for user to select SEL:menu MAN:menu, SYN:menu result_var prompt_str resp_1 ... resp_10 ITEMS:open - (A) Open the specified user file SEL:open MAN:open, SYN:See manual page for command syntax ITEMS:perform - (M,A) Execute the specified procedure file SEL:perform MAN:perform, SYN:perf[orm] proc_name ITEMS:queue - (M,A) telecommand response queue handling SEL:queue MAN:queue, SYN:q[ueue] on | off | del ITEMS:save - (M,A) Save run-time database to a file in the EGSE temp dir SEL:save MAN:save, SYN:save dbs filename ITEMS:spawn - (M,A) Create a task through UNIX and save a reference tag SEL:spawn MAN:spawn, SYN:spawn tag_string_var path_string_var ITEMS:set - (M,A) Set an integer variable to a value or expression SEL:set MAN:set, SYN:See manual page for command syntax ITEMS:setpar - (M,A) Set an environment variable value SEL:setpar MAN:setpar, SYN:setpar var_name str_value ITEMS:setstr - (M,A) Set a string variable to a value or expression SEL:setstr MAN:setstr, SYN:setstr var_name operator str_value ITEMS:show - (M,A) Show the tasks created by the command 'spawn' SEL:show MAN:show, SYN:show tasks | queue ITEMS:tcmode - (M,A) Set mode for tcblock comands to primary or redundant SEL:tcmode MAN:tcmode, SYN:tcm[ode] p | r ITEMS:test - (M) Test an EGSE Console widget SEL:test MAN:test, SYN:test w | li | leh | led | les ITEMS:wait - (A) Wait for seconds,packets, or major frames SEL:wait MAN:wait, SYN:wait time | fmt token | mf number | limit | dp number | until expr ITEMS:write - (A) Write a message or value to the specified user file SEL:write MAN:write, SYN:write filename "string" | ["fmt_str" var] ITEMS:writen - (A) Write a message or value with newline to a user file SEL:writen MAN:writen, SYN:writen filename "string" | ["fmt_str" var]