--+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ --+ SOHO Project -- Control File --+ ---------------------------- --+ --+ Name : MDI_INTRRPT , !Prompt --+ Purpose : To gracefully interrupt an MDI Control File loop. --+ --+ Sub_system : PLM --+ Drawing No : 3137-ZA042-SCB, Issue : A/00 --+ Project No : SH-MAR-SW-70224 --+ Origin : UK --+ Author : Jon B. CARTER --+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ --+ Principle : --+ --------- --+ Clears MDI Interrupt Global and then displays an ASK window for the user to --+ respond to. --+ Correct response sets the MDI Interrupt Global. --+ --+ Passed parameters : --+ ----------------- --+ !Prompt : Prompt to be displayed in Ask Window. --+ --+ Prerequisites : --+ ------------- --+ --+ None. --+ --+ History : --+ ------- --+ Issue SIC Note Time Date Name/Updates --+ +---+ +------+ +---+ +------+ +-------------------------------------+ --+ 1/00 211 20:38 19/01/94 A.J. TURK -- Conversion from MDI. --+ 1/01 360 15:43 05/05/94 Ph. IATRINO -- Rationalization. --+ --+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Common Var Bool !GZ_Window -- Open window flag (on CF start) Bool !GZ_Spool -- Automatic Spool (at End of CF exec) Bool !GZ_Halt -- Check Error flag (to halt if error ) Bool !GZ_Test -- Execution test flag (to not send TC) Int !GZ_Trace -- Level of Trace (TBD) Str(2) !GZ_Model -- PLM Model ( "EM" | "FM" ) Int !GM_Interrupt -- MDI Interrupt Global ( 1 | 0) End Common -------------------------------------------------------------------------------< Extern Procedure AskReal, AskStr, AskInt Procedure CheckAna, CheckDig, CheckReg Procedure CheckArgReal, CheckArgStr, CheckArgInt Procedure DispMess Procedure ExConnect, ExDisconnect Procedure ExitCF Procedure Message Procedure OpenWindow Procedure PrintAna, PrintDig, PrintReg, PrintParam Procedure SendCommand Procedure Lower, Upper Procedure WaitAna, WaitDig, WaitReg, WaitTime End Extern -------------------------------------------------------------------------------< Program MDI_INTRRPT , Unique Defarg Str(80) !Prompt End Defarg Var Str(80) !resp_s Str(80) !S = &80s(" ") Int !NbErr = 0 Main !GM_Interrupt = 0 -- Initialization of the MDI Interrupt Global. Do @AskStr ( !Prompt, "in Y, YES, y, yes", *!resp_s, *!S, *!NbErr ) @Upper ( !resp_s, *!resp_s ) Exit If ( !resp_s = "YES" ) Or ( !resp_s = "Y" ) End Do !GM_Interrupt = 1 -- Set the MDI Interrupt Global before exit. @ExitCF( !NbErr ) Return !Rstat End Program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<