--+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ --+ SOHO Project -- Control File --+ ---------------------------- --+ --+ Name : MDI_OFF , !Print --+ Purpose : TURN OFF THE MDI EXPERIMENT --+ --+ Sub_system : PLM --+ Drawing No : 3137-ZA042-SCB Issue : A/00 --+ Project No : SH-MAR-SW-70224 --+ Origin : UK --+ Author : Jon B. CARTER --+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ --+ Principle : --+ --------- --+ To Turn OFF the Power to the appropriate Redundancy of the MDI Experiment. --+ --+ Passed parameters : --+ ----------------- --+ !Print : CF Log print indicator ( "yes" (default) | "no" ). --+ --+ Prerequisites : --+ ------------- --+ The MDI Experiment is in SAFE/STANDBY mode. --+ --+ History : --+ ------- --+ Issue SIC Note Time Date Name/Updates --+ +---+ +------+ +---+ +-------+ +----------------------+ --+ 1/00 211 16:57 20/01/94 A.J. TURK -- Conversion from MDI language. --+ 1/01 289 09:02 07/02/94 A.J. TURK -- During debug phase. --+ 1/02 360 09:42 18/04/94 Ed COBB -- FM Rationalization. --+ 1/03 393 11:08 17/05/94 Ed COBB -- MDI Updates. --+ --+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Common Var Bool !GZ_Window -- Open window flag (on CF start) Bool !GZ_Spool -- Automatic Spool (at End of CF exec) Bool !GZ_Halt -- Check Error flag (to halt if error) Bool !GZ_Test -- Execution test flag (to not send TC) Int !GZ_Trace -- Level of Trace (TBD) Int !GM_Conf -- MDI Configuration Int !GM_NbErr -- MDI Global Error Count End Common -------------------------------------------------------------------------------< Extern Cfile MDI_LOFF , MDI_IPKA , MDI_IP , MDI_LIP , MDI_LFD Group MWTM , PWP12TM Procedure AskReal, AskStr, AskInt Procedure CheckAna, CheckDig, CheckReg Procedure CheckArgReal, CheckArgStr, CheckArgInt Procedure DispMess, OpenWindow, Message, ExitCF Procedure ExConnect, ExDisconnect Procedure PrintAna, PrintDig, PrintReg, PrintParam Procedure SendCommand Procedure Lower, Upper Procedure WaitAna, WaitDig, WaitReg, WaitTime End Extern -------------------------------------------------------------------------------< Program MDI_OFF , Unique Defarg Str(3) !Print = "yes" End Defarg Var Str( 3) !ExpName = "MDI" -- Experiment name Str(80) !S = &80s("") -- To save the display messages Str(10) !Phase = " " -- Phase label (e.g. Str(49) !Title = "" Str(80) !Question = "" Str(80) !Check = "" Str(80) !LM_S0 = "" Int !NbErr = 0 Main @OpenWindow() PERFORM/NO MDI_LFD , "lfdclose" ,"no" !Title = "-START OF MDI SWITCH-OFF: 'MDI_OFF'" @Message( "DCL", "date", !ExpName, !Phase, !Title, *!S) !GM_NbErr = 0 If !GM_Conf = 1 Then PERFORM/NO MDI_IP , "ipwload" , "no" PERFORM/NO MDI_IPKA , "ipkaload" , "no" !Question = "MDI to Open Decom File(Y)" !Check = "in Y, y" @AskStr ( !Question , !Check , *!LM_S0 , *!S , *!NbErr ) PERFORM/NO MDI_IPKA , "ipkaltst" , "no" !Question = "MDI to Close Decom File(Y)" !Check = "in Y, y" @AskStr ( !Question , !Check , *!LM_S0 , *!S , *!NbErr ) PERFORM/NO MDI_LOFF , "loffsca" , "no" Else PERFORM/NO MDI_LOFF , "loffscb" , "no" End If !GM_Conf = 0 Cflog !Title = "-END OF MDI SWITCH-OFF: 'MDI_OFF'" @Message( "DCL", "date", !ExpName, !Phase, !Title, *!S) @ExitCF ( !GM_NbErr ) @PrintCF (!ExpName, !Print) Return !Rstat End Program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------< Procedure PrintCF(str(3) !ExpName, Str(3) !Print) --. Print the control file log file if required by !Print ; --. - using the 'Spool' statement if the variable !GZ_Spool is TRUE, --. - using the dialog box window if the variable !GZ_Spool is FALSE. --. Var str(80) !S = &80s("") Main If !Print = "yes" Then If !GZ_Spool = TRUE Then Spool CF Else Cflog @Message ("DC", "date", !ExpName, " ", \ "++++Print the CFLog, then type CONT+++", *!S) Halt @Message ("DC", "date", !ExpName, " ", \ "+Operator continue.", *!S) End If End If Return End Procedure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<