NOTES: - The command echo when the FOT is commanding is on the monsci5k screen, start monsci5k by typing xmonsci5k on an xterm window. Procedures for Power-up of the MDI Instrument STEP 1: Power up DEP and OP heaters and establish set points; 60 minutes. This step must be performed by the FOT with the TSTOL procedures listed below. The time estimates are based upon the initial MDI turn-on. dur step operation 20 X_EXP_PREP_ON Prepare SVM for MDI power on and turn off substitution heaters 15 M_FL_PCONPRI Power prime converters on spacecraft bus A 5 M_FL_DP_PATCH Patch DEP executable code wait for "GO" 3 M_FL_HTRON Turn on control electronics for Optics Package Heater (HOP) 3 M_FL_HOPSPT (64) Turn OPH3 on (01000000) wait for "GO" 3 M_FL_HOPSPT (192) Turn OPH2 on (11000000) wait for "GO" 3 M_FL_HOPSPT (255) Turn OPH1 on at full power (11111111). wait for "GO" As a contingency, the M_FL_EMOFF TSTOL should be used to power-off the MDI instrument, at the request of an MDI operator, if there are any MDI emergencies resulting from the above steps to power-up MDI. **NOTE: M_FL_EMOFF Rapid power down of MDI instrument from any mode to OFF mode MDI will proceed with MDI recovery via NRT as soon as it is available. Immediate NRT is not required. ************************************************************** STEP 2: Perform remaining MDI powerup and checkout via NRT commanding The control files listed below can be found in the /mdisw/cfl/flight/src directory on mdicmd and mdisas. They should be checkpointed and compiled, and the recovery instance updated. It is expected that the instrument recovery activities will take less than two hours. The following sequence of MDI control file procedures will power up the Image Processor, CCD camera, Optics Package mechanisms and the Image Stabilization System. Load Dep Patches exec q_dep_patches_v02 exec q_dep_mos+10f_v01 Record the MDI bus A current Power up Image Processor and load WCS patches exec q_fl_ipon_v02 Verify that the IP is powered on. Record the MDI bus A current Power up CCD camera exec q_fl_cmon_v02 Verify that the CCD camera is powered on. Record the MDI bus A current Power on and reset mechanisms exec q_fl_mchson_v02 Verify that the shutter, MTM, CAL and PAW mechanisms are powered on. Power on Image Stabilization System exec q_fl_lton_v01 Verify that ISS is powered on. Record the MDI bus A current Adjust Optics Package heater setting exec q_fl_htr_config_v01 Adjust heater setpoint to "63" Verify that hopspt is set to 63, and heaters 2 & 3 are powered off. Record the MDI bus A current **See note below. Turn on Filter Oven heater exec q_fl_ovenon_v01 Verify that hpospt is powered on and set to 2 Record the MDI bus A current STEP 3: Perform DEP and IP memory loads via NRT commanding After the MDI subsystems are verified to be in an acceptable state, the remainder of the DEP and IP loads can be performed. Load campaigns and framelists to DEP Queue programs, IP vectors and registers to IP STEP 4: Check image alignment and ISS setup The ISS error signals can be nulled and the loop locked. exec alignit_v16 Select "NULL/LOCK ISS" **MDI later exec q_fl_htr_config_v01 and set the setpoint to "0" and turned the OP heater (mkpwhop) power off. MDI's front window temperature (mtsqopt1) had been to high, in an effort to bring the temp down, the OP heater was turned off. ******************************************************************************************** Here is a list of things to monitor during the FOT's part in the recovery: During X_EXP_PREP_ON - Substitution Heater Status on screen 30 qsm1, 2 & 3 and qim3 - S/C Temps and Volts and Power Relays on screen 30 qtopts1n qtopts2n qtopts3n qtopts4n qtepts1n mipwa mipwb mspwa mspwb During M_FL_PCONPRI - Bus Status mipwa mipwb mspwa mspwb - DEP Status (should be off, first) on screen 30 mspwdpn (normal) - Primary Converter 2 Status on screen 30 mspc2n - DEP Status (should be on, now) on screen 30 mspwdpn (normal) - App Electronics m+5ae App. Elec +5 volts on screen 30 m+15ae App. Elec +15 volts on screen 30 m-15ae A App. Elec -15 volts on screen 30 mkpwae Application I/F Power (K2-2) on screen 30 mspwaen App Electronics Power Status (N) mspwaer App Electronics Power Status (N) - OBT - Primary Converter 1 Status on screen 30 mspc1n - S/C Temps and Volts and Power Relays on screen 30 qtopts1n qtopts2n qtopts3n qtopts4n qtepts1n mipwa mipwb mspwa mspwb During M_FL_HTRON, M_FL_HOSPT - OP Heater mkpwhop D Optics Package heater (all on screen 30) - OP Heater 3 (should be hopspt with a value of 64) mkhoph3 D Optics Package Heater 3 On/Off - OP Heater 2 (should be hopspt with a value of 192) mkhoph2 D Optics Package Heater 2 On/Off - OP Heater (should be hopspt with a value of 255) mkpwhop D Optics Package Heater