Procedures for Power-up of the MDI Instrument STEP 1: Power up DEP and OP heaters and establish set points; 60 minutes. This step must be performed by the FOT with the TSTOL procedures listed below. The time estimates are based upon the initial MDI turn-on. dur step operation 20 X_EXP_PREP_ON Prepare SVM for MDI power on and turn off substitution heaters 15 M_FL_PCONPRI Power prime converters on spacecraft bus A 5 M_FL_DP_PATCH Patch DEP executable code wait for "GO" 3 M_FL_HTRON Turn on control electronics for Optics Package Heater (HOP) 3 M_FL_HOPSPT (64) Turn OPH2 on (01000000) wait for "GO" 3 M_FL_HOPSPT (192) Turn OPH3 on (11000000) wait for "GO" 3 M_FL_HOPSPT (255) Turn OPH1 on at full power (11111111). wait for "GO" Wait for MDI team OK before proceeding STEP 2: Power up IP, camera, mechanisms; take test images in VC2; 90 minutes. This step can be performed by the FOT with the TSTOL procedures listed below. If it reasonable to do so, these functions can be executed via NRT commanding. The MDI procedures corresponding to the TSTOL procedures have been verified on the MDI simulator. dur step operation 5 K_IDTOMM Idle to VC2, verify status 20 M_FL_IPON Image Processor on, verify VC2 in fill wait for "GO" 5 M_FL_CMON CCD Camera on, verify VC2 in fill after IP reset wait for "GO" 5 M_FL_MCHSON Internal mechanisms on wait for "GO" 5 M_FL_OBSMODE Observing mode mechanism configuration wait for "GO" 10 M_FL_TAP (1000) Take 4 256x256 images with 1000 tick (250 msec) exposure time wait for "GO" 15 M_FL_PICT (600) Take 5 unique 1024x1024 images with 600 tick (150 msec) exposure time (TBC) wait for "GO" 15 M_FL_PICT (1200) Take 5 unique 1024x1024 images with 1200 tick (300 msec) exposure time (TBC) 5 M_FL_OBSMODE Observing mode mechanism configuration 5 K_MMTOIDLE VC2 to idle transition wait for "GO" 5 M_FL_HOPSPT (TBD) Adjust OP heater settings. Wait for MDI team OK before proceeding STEP 3: Perform remaining MDI checkout via NRT commanding STEP 4: Load DEP and IP patches and initialize setup via NRT commanding STEP 5: Load observing program framelists and queue programs via NRT commanding