From rock@quake.Stanford.EDUThu Nov 19 12:15:48 1998 Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 10:28:42 -0800 (PST) From: Rock Bush To: MDIERS Subject: Leonid preparations - MDI safing procedures Attached are the MDI safing procedures for the upcoming Leonids meteor storm. I have run these control files on the simulator, and they have functioned correctly to the limits of the simulator (there being no door mechanisms on the simulator). The control files listed below can be found in the /mdisw/cfl/flight/src directory on mdicmd and mdisas. They should be checkpointed and compiled, and the safing instance updated. Regards, Rock ************************************************************** Procedures for Safing of the MDI Instrument The MDI safing will power off the CCD camera, the Image Stabilization System, and all mechanisms including the shutter, MTM motors, and the PA/CAL wheels. After these subsystems are confirmed to be powered off, the MDI controlled Optics Package heater will be turned on and adjusted to compensate for the decreased thermal input to the Optics Package because of the camera electronics being powered down. As a final step, the MDI front door will be closed after verifying that the redundant mechanism functions properly. The MDI safing procedures are detailed below. It is estimated that the MDI safing will take less than an hour to perform. Record the MDI bus A current exec q_fl_safe_v01 Verify that ISS, CCD camera and mechanisms are all powered off. Record the MDI bus A current exec q_fl_htr_config_v01 Adjust heater setpoint to "0" Turn Optics Package Heater ON Verify OP heater power is ON (mkpwhop) Adjust heater setpoint to "63" Record the MDI bus A current exec q_fl_fd_close_v01 This procedure requires answering a prompt before sending door mechanism move commands. The mechanism moves are: Open door mechanism 2 Close door mechanism 2 Close door mechanism 1 The door switch status is checked after each move. If a check fails, the procedure will halt. The procedure should not be restarted without clearly understanding the check failure. If door mechanism 2 does not open and close properly, the front door will be left open. Verify that the front door is closed and door power is off.