EBZ 15 Jan 1998 MDI CRONJOBS ------------ # ---- Stuff running multiple times an hour # 0,20,40 * * * * /mdisw/bin/dinnerbell #slot ECS HK/SCI5k files 1,21,41 * * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_mon_sci5k #make sure monsci5k process runs 2,22,42 * * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_arch_sum2 #last 24 hr control files executed 3,23,43 * * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_gif_last9 #last 9 sci160k images 4,24,44 * * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_seq_run_sum2 #last 24 hr campaign listing 5,25,45 * * * * /mdisw/bin/screen12_snap > /usr/people/mdi/Iscreen12_snap 2>&1 #write EGSE screen 12 to file 6,26,46 * * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_mon_health #last 24 hr plots and lists # # ---- Stuff running every hour # 15 * * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_mk_opsdb_list #opsdb and sci160k listings # # ---- Stuff running multiple times a day # 35 4,10,16,22 * * * /md80/people/morrison/cron_contacts #reformats dsn contact list 35 5,11,17,23 * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_fits_sci160k #make planning fits files 55 5,11,17,23 * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_gif_mag #mag gif file creation 35 7,19 * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_mon_health2 #planning fits images 35 9,21 * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_fits_sci5k #make sci5k fits files # # ---- Stuff running once a day # 35 1 * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_mk_reload #regenerating load files (if needed) 0 2 * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_update_ssw #updates the sswidl tree 35 3 * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi check_sci5k_trunc #checking for sci5k truncation 35 6 * * * Mail -s "DSN/NRT Contacts" soho-dsn < /mdisw/plan/contacts/upcoming_soho_schedule.txt # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---- Ops logs archiving done day 1 of every month 00 01 01 * * /mdisw/bin/cleanopslogs 1>> /md80/people/mdi/cleanops 2>> /md80/people/mdi/cleanops; Mail -s "Ops Logs Archiving" mdi@mdisas > /md80/people/mdi/5kclean 2>> /md80/people/mdi/5kclean; Mail -s "sci5k files deleted" covingto@mdisas > /md80/people/mdi/160kclean 2>> /md80/people/mdi/160kclean; Mail -s "sci160k files deleted" covingto@mdisas > /md80/people/mdi/doneecsmove 2>> /md80/people/mdi/doneecsmove; Mail -s "done_ecs files deleted" covingto@mdisas Imdisw_copy 2>&1 #0 * * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_list_nrt_times ~/Ilist_nrt_times #0 3 * * * rsh mdisas "cd ~morrison/soft/mdi/dcompare ; /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_dir_compare ~/Idir_compare" #0 0,6,14,18,20 * * * rsh mdisas "cd /mdisw/plan/contacts ; parse_ecs_mail.pl xx >& Iparse_ecs_mail" #0 6,14,18 * * * /mdisw/bin/getkaps > Igetkaps #30 6,14,18 * * * rsh mdisas "parse_ecs_mail >& Iparse_ecs_mail" #0 0,4,8,12,16,20 * * * rsh mdisas "parse_ecs_mail >& Iparse_ecs_mail" #0 0,6,14,18,20 * * * rsh mdisas "/mdisw/plan/contacts/parse_ecs_mail.pl xx >& Iparse_ecs_mail" MDISWMS CRONJOBS ---------------- -----this is mirroring of cetrtain directories on /mdisw tree (and not cfl) 30 1 * * * cd /md80/people/mdiswms/mirror_log; /md80/people/mdiswms/mirror_log/mdisw_distrib.mirror #30 4 * * * rm -rf /mdisw/idl/gen COVINGTON CRONJOBS ------------------ # ---- opsmonitor routine run every 2 minutes ---- #0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56 * * * * /md80/people/covingto/perl/opsmonitor # # ---- opsmonmailer routine run every 2 minutes ---- #14 * * * * /md80/people/covingto/perl/opsmonmailer # #50 23 * * * /md80/people/covingto/perl/accessor # # ---- daily movie assembly for FD movie ---- 10 09 * * * /md84/gif/mag/rgbtemp/giftorgbfd # # ---- daily movie assembly for HR movie ---- 25 09 * * * /md84/gif/mag/rgbtemp/giftorgbregion # ---- daily movie assembly for I-gram movie ---- 40 09 * * * /md84/gif/mag/rgbtemp/giftorgbfdI ZAMKOFF CRONJOBS ---------------- # ---- df-k monitor routine run every 6 hours ---- 0 0,6,12,18 * * * /md80/people/zamkoff/perl/dfkmonitor ROOT CRONJOBS ------------- # $Revision: 1.35 $ # # The root crontab can be used to perform accounting data collection # and cleanup. # # Format of lines: #min hour daymo month daywk cmd # # # General SGI practice # # Remove old trash 0 5 * * * find / -local -type f '(' -name core -o -name dead.letter ')' -atime +7 -mtime +7 -exec rm -f '{}' ';' # # Remove old sendmail mail files 2 5 * * * find /var/spool/mqueue -local -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm -f '{}' ';' # # Remove old rwhod files 2 5 * * * find /var/spool/rwho -local -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm -f '{}' ';' # # Remove old vi/ex 'preserved' files 3 5 * * * find /usr/preserve -local -type f -atime +30 -mtime +30 -exec rm -f '{}' ';' # # Rotate the logs 1 1 * * 0 umask 033;cd /var/cron;if test -s log && test "`wc -c log`" -ge 10240; then mv -f log OLDlog;touch log; killall 1 cron; fi 1 1 * * 0 umask 077;cd /var/adm;if test -s sulog && test "`wc -c sulog`" -ge 10240; then mv -f sulog OLDsulog;touch sulog; fi 1 1 * * 0 umask 033;cd /var/adm;if test -s SYSLOG && test "`wc -c SYSLOG`" -ge 10240; then mv -f SYSLOG oSYSLOG;touch SYSLOG; killall 1 syslogd; fi # # If accounting is on it will handle wtmp rotating. # wtmp and wtmpx are always kept in sync by libc/getut so we should # always do things to them together # 2 1 * * 0 if /etc/chkconfig acct; then :; else umask 033;cd /var/adm; if test -s wtmp && test "`wc -c wtmp`" -ge 10240; then mv -f wtmp OLDwtmp; mv -f wtmpx OLDwtmpx; touch wtmp wtmpx; chown adm.adm wtmp wtmpx; fi; fi # #12 4 * * * sh /var/spool/lp/etc/lib/log.rotate # # # # If this machine is running NIS and it's a slave server, the following # commands keep the NIS databases up-to-date. # 7 9 * * * if /etc/chkconfig yp; then find /var/yp -type f -name 'xfr.*' -mtime +1 -exec rm -f '{}' ';' ; fi 8 * * * * if test -x /var/yp/ypxfr_1ph; then /var/yp/ypxfr_1ph; fi 9 9,15 * * * if test -x /var/yp/ypxfr_2pd; then /var/yp/ypxfr_2pd; fi 10 9 * * * if test -x /var/yp/ypxfr_1pd; then /var/yp/ypxfr_1pd; fi # # # If this machine is a NIS master, ypmake will rotate the log file # and ensure that the databases are pushed out with some regularity. # It is best to not build and push the databases at the same time the # commands above on slave servers are pulling the databases. # 0,17,30,45 * * * * if /etc/chkconfig ypmaster && /etc/chkconfig yp && test -x /var/yp/ypmake; then /var/yp/ypmake; fi # # # dodisk does the disk accounting 0 2 * * 4 if /etc/chkconfig acct; then /usr/lib/acct/dodisk > /var/adm/acct/nite/disklog; fi # # Reorganize file systems # 0 3 * * 0 if test -x /usr/etc/fsr; then /usr/etc/fsr; fi # 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /usr/local/etc/ntp -f -s clock-a > /dev/null 2>&1 # Daily backups 45 23 * * * /bin/csh /var/adm/sasbackup_v04 1>> /backsave 2>> /backsave; Mail -s "Backup Results:mdisas" covingto@mdisas saba@mdisas zowie@mdisas zamkoff@mdisas /dev/null 2>&1 30 8 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_disp_month ~/Idisp_month /nonotify # # ---- Run twice a month, on the 1st and 15th # 0 0 1,15 * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_exec_synop_msg ~/Igo_exec_synop_msg /nonotify # # ---- Obsolete # #0 0,8,22 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_net_dir_diff ~/Inet_dir_diff /nonotify ##0 6 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi ~mdi/idl/go_mdi_sum ~/Imdi_sum /nonotify #0 4 * * * cd /usr1/people/mdi/mirror_log/mdibbs_mirror; /usr1/people/mdi/mirror_log/mdibbs_mirror/mdisw_distrib.bbs #0 * * * * rm -rf /mdisw/idl/gen # TEMPORARY while testing at LPARL #0 3 * * * cd /usr1/people/mdi/mirror_log; /usr1/people/mdi/mirror_log/mdisw_distrib.dia #0 4 * * * cd /usr1/people/mdi/mirror_log/mdisim_mirror; /usr1/people/mdi/mirror_log/mdisim_mirror/mdisw_distrib.sim