EBZ 15 Jan 1998 EBZ July 1999 SEG 15 Jan 2002 MDISAS CRONTAB -------------- mdi cronjobs ------------ # # ---- Stuff running multiple times an hour # ###################################################################### # dinnerbell - Script checks for incoming TM_MGR files. # screen12_snap - Makes the screen-12 snapshots for the health mon pages. # screen30_snap - Makes the screen-30 snapshots for the health mon pages. # go_mon_sci5k - Makes sure that a mon_sci5k is running; starts one if not. # go_mon_health_20m - Assembles the health monitoring pages including # the 1 day housekeeping plots, the "last-4" & "last-9" # images, and recent summaries of campaigns run and commanding # 0,20,40 * * * * /mdisw/bin/dinnerbell 1,21,41 * * * * /mdisw/bin/new_screen12_snap > /usr/people/mdi/Iscreen12_snap 2>&1 2 * * * * /mdisw/bin/new_screen30_snap > /usr/people/mdi/Iscreen30_snap 2>&1 3,23,43 * * * * nice /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_mon_sci5k ~/Imon_sci5k #5,25,45 * * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_mon_health_20m ~/Imon_health_20m # ###################################################################### # # ---- Stuff running multiple times a day # ###################################################################### # go_gif_mag - Makes summary magnetogram and continuum gif files # from the fits files generated by go_fits_sci160k. # 45 1,5,9,13,17,21 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_gif_mag ~/Igif_mag # ###################################################################### # # ---- Stuff running once a day # ###################################################################### # check_sci5k_trunc - Generates the "sci5k truncation warning" mail messages. # update-dsn-schedule - Update the /mdisw/plan/ecs files and mails it out # opslog_archive - Copy current month opslog files to /mdisw/ops/opslogs # 48 02 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi check_sci5k_trunc ~/Icheck_sci5k_trunc 48 03 * * * /mdisw/bin/all_instances 48 06 * * * /mdisw/bin/update-dsn-schedule 48 23 * * * /mdisw/bin/opslog_archive # # sync_cfl script # Note: "import" and "export" are relative to the master directory (which # is on mdicmd), rather than to the current machine! #03 23 * * * /md87/people/mdi/bin/sync_cfl_caller # 48 04 * * * /mdisw/bin/qproc -qfile='mdi-crontab-queue' -uniq -timeout=1200 nice /mdisw/bin/sync_cfl -mail="sync-cfl@mdisas" -import=mail -conflict=mail -export=cp -cfl="mdi_egse_sw/cfl" -dirs="flight,flight-util" -subdirs="src,dep,ip" -master="/md92" -slave="/md80" -exclude='^([\.\+]|q_)' # ## ---- Start a new decom file every night at midnight UT (8pm local) 00 20 * * * echo "/mdisw/bin/opend" | csh # ###################################################################### # ## Periodic file cleanup... # ###################################################################### ## ---- archive opslog files older than 60 days 28 01 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive -delay=60 -pattern='.hst|.opslog' -archive='archive' /md80/log/history # ## ---- delete tm_log files older than 20 days 28 02 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive -rm -delay='20' -pattern='^[^\.]' /md80/tmp/tm_log # ## ---- delete sci5k telemetry files older than 20 days 28 03 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive -rm -delay='20' -pattern='^[^\.]' /md81/log/sci5k # ## ---- delete sci160k telemetry files older than 20 days 28 04 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive -rm -delay='20' -pattern='^[^\.]' /md82/log/sci160k # ## ---- delete done_ecs files older than 20 days # sync_cfl script # Note: "import" and "export" are relative to the master directory (which # is on mdicmd), rather than to the current machine! #03 23 * * * /md87/people/mdi/bin/sync_cfl_caller # 48 04 * * * /mdisw/bin/qproc -qfile='mdi-crontab-queue' -uniq -timeout=1200 nice /mdisw/bin/sync_cfl -mail="sync-cfl@mdisas" -import=mail -conflict=mail -export=cp -cfl="mdi_egse_sw/cfl" -dirs="flight,flight-util" -subdirs="src,dep,ip" -master="/md92" -slave="/md80" -exclude='^([\.\+]|q_)' # ## ---- Start a new decom file every night at midnight UT (8pm local) 00 20 * * * echo "/mdisw/bin/opend" | csh # ###################################################################### # ## Periodic file cleanup... # ###################################################################### ## ---- archive opslog files older than 60 days 28 01 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive -delay=60 -pattern='.hst|.opslog' -archive='archive' /md80/log/history # ## ---- delete tm_log files older than 20 days 28 02 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive -rm -delay='20' -pattern='^[^\.]' /md80/tmp/tm_log # ## ---- delete sci5k telemetry files older than 20 days 28 03 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive -rm -delay='20' -pattern='^[^\.]' /md81/log/sci5k # ## ---- delete sci160k telemetry files older than 20 days 28 04 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive -rm -delay='20' -pattern='^[^\.]' /md82/log/sci160k # ## ---- delete done_ecs files older than 20 days 28 05 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive -rm -delay='20' -pattern='^[^\.]' /md83/ecs/done_ecs # ## ---- delete sci5k fits files older than 30 days 28 06 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive -rm -delay='30' -pattern='^[^\.]' /md83/fits/sci5k/lev0/0* # ###################################################################### # Monthly: Clean up planning files into archive subdirs # (Runs at 1:09 on the 1st of each month) 09 01 01 * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive -pattern='[EIK]AP$' -archive='archive' /mdisw/plan/iap_kap #last line ###################################################################### IDL cronjob checks ------------------ # # Runs Once a Day # ##################################################### # ---- Checks to make sure the idl crons are running 00 10 * * * /md84/people/mdi/idl_cron_mdisas # ##################################################### # ---- Mails me the idl cron check listings 02 10 * * * /md84/people/mdi/send_idl_cron_mail # #####################################################