2. Explanation of Various Displays & Use of EGSE 2.1 DEP/IP Display Typical snapshot of DEP/IP Display ############################################################################ TM_STATE: RUNNING HK1: 000151 HK2: 000151 SCHK: 000151 SCI5K: 00003214 SCI160K: 00040158 DEP Seq List Ver:Pat 1:02 DEP Software Ver:Pat 10:0a Seq Status 0004 DEP 5K Mode 00h ID C43F0FFF Command counter 113 Exp 600 MLA of Latest NVCB 0000h Num 1 Error code of latest NVCB 00h Seq Pointer 01BF Configuration Register 21h Seq Error 0003 DEP Misc Control Bits 1E67h Interval Counter 2 DEP Level 9 Error Bits 8000h Frame No. in Seq 442 Picture Status 08 Sci5k Status 00h Registers: IP WCS Ver:Pat 19:01 0:0003 1:FE69 2:0002 3:0000 IP Status 48 Err Count 7 4:0000 5:0001 6:0000 7:0000 IP Error 3000 Dmp Er_Stat 9000 8:0001 9:0017 A:0017 B:01BA IP-DEP Bank 20 Dmp Word 1 F00F C:0FEE D:0000 E:0000 F:0000 DEP Sp_Err 0A Dmp Word 2 01EA 10:0000 11:0000 12:0002 13:0003 Intrpt Code 0000 Dmp Word 3 34D0 14:0003 15:0002 16:0000 17:0000 Intrpt Count 0001 Dmp Word 4 0000 18:0000 19:0000 1a:0000 1b:0000 IP Reg 23 AAAA Dmp Word 5 0341 DEP/IP PARAMETER EXPLANATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################ TM_STATE: RUNNING (1) HK1: 000151 HK2: 000151 SCHK: 000151 SCI5K: 00003214 SCI160K: 00040158 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DEP Seq List Ver:Pat 1:02 (7) DEP Software Ver:Pat 10:0a (16) Seq Status 0004 (8) DEP 5K Mode 00h(17) ID C43F0FFF (9) Command counter 113 (18) Exp 600 (10) MLA of Latest NVCB 0000h(19) Num 1 (11) Error code of latest NVCB 00h(20) Seq Pointer 01BF (12) Configuration Register 21h(21) Seq Error 0003 (13) DEP Misc Control Bits 1E67h(22) Interval Counter 2 (14) DEP Level 9 Error Bits 8000h(23) Frame No. in Seq 442 (15) Picture Status 08(24) Sci5k Status 00h(25) Registers: (26) -> (53) IP WCS Ver:Pat 19:01(54) 0:0003 1:FE69 2:0002 3:0000 IP Status 48(55) Err Count 7(62) 4:0000 5:0001 6:0000 7:0000 IP Error 3000(56) Dmp Er_Stat 9000(63) 8:0001 9:0017 A:0017 B:01BA IP-DEP Bank 20(57) Dmp Word 1 F00F(64) C:0FEE D:0000 E:0000 F:0000 DEP Sp_Err 0A(58) Dmp Word 2 01EA(65) 10:0000 11:0000 12:0002 13:0003 Intrpt Code 0000(59) Dmp Word 3 34D0(66) 14:0003 15:0002 16:0000 17:0000 Intrpt Count 0001(60) Dmp Word 4 0000(67) 18:0000 19:0000 1a:0000 1b:0000 IP Reg 23 AAAA(61) Dmp Word 5 0341(68) TELEMETRY PARAMETERS -------------------- (1) TM_STATE: (2) HK1: (3) HK2: (4) SCHK: (5) SCI5K: (6) SCI160K: DEP SEQUENCE PARAMETERS ----------------------- (7) DEP Seq List Ver:Pat -version & patch of "standard sequence" 1.02 is built in, most recent version loaded into DEP memory will be 1.07 (8) Seq Status -Sequence Status Codes (Normally see 0004 or 0005) 0000=SEQ_INACTIVE - stopped sequence (either due to a commanded halt or serious error) 0001=SEQ_INIT - almost never seen (never last very long), DEP needs to be restarted 0002=SEQ_WAIT_CAMERA - rarely seen, checks if camera shutter is open or if data coming from camera (before any mechanism movement) 0003=SEQ_ACTIVE - rarely seen, designates that the sequence is running 0004=SEQ_WAIT_TIME - waiting for time mark (start of every minute), pictures taken based on this reference time 0005=SEQ_WAIT_CON - waiting for configuration or the setup devices for next picture (9) ID -Data Product Code (10) Exp -Image Exposure(camera ticks),units=0.25 millisec. (11) Num -Number of times a sequence has been restarted since the last time the DEP was restarted (12) Seq Pointer -Address of next sequence instruction (13) Seq Error -Sequence Error Codes (Normally see 0003, maybe 0004) 0001=SEQ_NORMAL-Benign condition almost never seen 0002=SEQ_LATE-Benign conditions almost never seen 0003=SEQ_BREAK-Normal sequence operating condition *0004=CAMERA_ERROR-not responding to Take A Picture (TAP) command or the shutter is stuck *0005=SEQ_WAIT - ? *0006=SEQ_STACK_DEPTH_EXCEEDED - error in stacking and unstacking routines *0007=SEQ_ILLEGAL_INSTR - load corruption, syntax error *0008=SEQ_STOP_CMD - actually need to send a sequence stop command to get this value *0009=ACCESS_VIOLATION - illegal address (outside of defined address area) *=serious error conditions! (14) Interval Counter -Number of observing intervals elapsed since last reset (i.e. how long until next set of magnetograms begin) (current interval set to 1 minute, magnetogram set # = 5) (15) Frame No. in Seq -Number of camera frames taken in current sequence DEP STATUS PARAMETERS --------------------- (16) DEP Software Ver:Pat (17) DEP 5K Mode -set by the telecommand MBDPMOD 00h - no 5k 01h - set to initialize, then returns to 00h 03h - sequence 04h - special limb tracker mode (ISS Jitter Data), no IP (18) Command counter -8 bit count value, # of commands DEP received range = 0 -> 255 (19) MLA of Latest NVCB -(1st word of cmd) helps diagnose garbage NVCB should be 0000h (20) Error code latest NVCB -furhter help to diagnose garbage NVCB should be 00h (21) Configuration Register -idicator of how the DEP responds to a commanded reset or with a watchdog reset, changed with telecommand MBHWCNFG (not a real good diagnostic value to look at) should be 21h ( or 61h (what's shown at at KSC) (22) DEP Misc Control Bits -should be 1E67h or 1F6F (23) DEP Level 9 Error Bits -collection of software bits 8000h = missed tick (usual value) 4000h = sequence error 2000h = command hung or forced interupt 1000h = TLM format reset 800h = shutter state machine ? c000h = 8000h + 4000h (software latch of different bits) if sequence is running will never know about a missed tick! (24) Picture Status -state machine variable for software that controls TAP (take a picture) routines 00h - camera doing nothing 08h - ? (25) Sci5k Status -should be non-zero 00h - data not flowing through DEP!! REGISTER STATUS PARAMETERS -------------------------- Registers: (26) 0: Frame Number (27) 1: Ticks with respect to reference time (1 tic = 1/16 sec) (28) 2: Cycle # (interval count) (29) 3: Virtual Channel # (0=no HR, 1=reserved for Dnyanesh, 2=yes HR-to Goddard, 3=yes HR-not to Goddard) (30) 4: Campaign Flag (copy of R66) (31) 5: Downlink of magnetograms: 1=in HR 160k, immediate downlink or 0=in LR 5k, stored until later tape dump (R5 is ignored if R3 doesn't = 0) (32) 6: Offset (facility to send IP parameters dealing with image center) (33) 7: Offset (facility to send IP parameters dealing with image center) (34) 8: # Observation performed (35) 9: Current observation repeat count (36) A: Duration in current mode (37) B: Frame number in current observation (38) C: Spare (39) D: Spare (40) E: Spare (41) F: Spare (42) 10: IP Interupt Code (43) 11: IP Interupt Count (44) 12: Intra Instrument Command Flag (45) 13: ? (46) 14: ? (47) 15: ? (48) 16: ? (49) 17: DEP Master Sequence Stage (50) 18: Epoch (51) 19: Hidden IPB Address (52) 1a: MTM1 Offset Register (53) 1b: MTM2 Offset Register IP STATUS PARAMETERS -------------------- (54) IP WCS Ver:Pat 19:01 - (55) IP Status -8bit hardware register 1st bit = DEP & IP interface state 4 = DEP & IP interface is happy 0 = DEP & IP interface is not happy 2nd bit 8 = IP in run mode 0 = IP not on should be 48h when IP is up and running well (56) IP Error -status of ????????? 3000 = all is good on PRIME side 2800 = all is good on REDUNDANT side 1000 = value when it first comes up (57) IP-DEP Bank -sequence operation and table list loads???? toggles every minute from 0 or 20 when sequence is run if the value never changes there is a problem!! (58) DEP Sp_Err -area of incomplete construction??? 09 = value shown during and after a WCS load 08 = value set by DEP after DATA interupt detected 0A = not good, DEP detected an ERROR interupt should be .... 09 ????? (59) Intrpt Code -not a very useful diagnostic, usually 2 states: 0000 & 0001 (60) Intrpt Coun -just a count of the number of interupts the DEP received (61) IP Reg 23 -IP error interupt code, should be 0000h! (62) Err Count -Number of errors IP got from 0 to 255 then back to 0 (63) Dmp Er_Stat -captured error after ERROR interupt detected, last error shown (64) Dmp Word 1 -error code (65) Dmp Word 2 -op code (66) Dmp Word 3 -sys mode (67) Dmp Word 4 -DMA (68) Dmp Word 5 -que address beyond point where error occured