MDI Operations Manual

How to Collaborate with MDI
Provides information on how to request data support, on how to request data taken by MDI, an MDI instrument overview, a tutorial on MDI observing campaigns and constraints and the appropriate groups to email to request support.

Provides information on the MDI EGSE. It provides information on stopping and starting EGSE, telemetry handling, files from the ECS and various display screens used during commanding and for monitoring.

Provides information on general operations, commanding in NRT and in background and delayed commands, and CFL management. The CFL management section provides useful information on mirroring/msput, synch CFL, making chain lists and delayed command loads, and ftp'ing.

Common Procedures
Provides information on common procedures used for calibrations, instrument maintenance and safety. This section also includes procedures for Momentum Managements and Continuous Contact periods.

MDI Failures and Recoveries
Provides information on MDI emergencies and responses to emergencies as well as planned activites that are extremely unusual or potentially dangerous to the instrument.

FOT Procedures
Provides information on TSTOLS, common TCBLOCK commands, MDI limits, OCD's, nominal telemetry mode transitions and VC2 and ALT information. This pages also gives information on the Emergency Off Procedure and the Stuck Motor Current Contingency Plan.

To Do List
Provides a list of planner tasks such as monitoring the image center, limb figure, disk usage and data truncation.

Provides information on how to make and perform instances, submit an OCD and make the weekly plans. It also has links to the SOHO DSN schedule and monthly calendar.

Provides instruction on how to monitor, on the various MDI display screens and how to submit a log entry. This page provides links to the Calibration page, Health and Cal Status page, the DSN schedule, the Monitoring schedule and the operators log. Finally, this page includes information on limits, limit monitoring, MDI emergencies and recovery scripts.

Ground System and Software
Provides information on each computer's crontabs and how to edit a crontab file, it gives information on the QProc program, telemetry handling, on board memory, framelist generation and monsci5k. Finally, there is information on how to perform backups, how to update the MDI EOF movies and the MDI events tables and disk purging guidelines. Information on various programs written by MDI team member is also included in this page.

Data Analysis
Provides an overview of commonly used IDL programs for plotting MDI mnemonics.

Provides links to the MDI events tables, the mail distribution list, the acronym list and phone lists.

  • EGSE