RUNNING CAMPAIGNS ----------------- - Procedure: 1. Hit "START" on EGSE Command Selection display page to be enabled for commanding 2. Highlight "PROCS" and select q_seq_options_v03, which brings up the campaign sequence options menu 3. From the instance, get the campaign name (under campaign:) 4. On a shell window, type whatscam and use the number it shows as the address of the campaign in #6 5. Select "Set Cam Addr" 6. Type in the address of the campaign (the number from #4) 7. Turn on the Campaign Flag to start the campaign by selecting the "Set Cam Flag" button 8. Look at the duration on the instance 9. After the duration is over, stop the campaign by selecting the "Clear Cam Flag" button 10. If you are done commanding, hit the STOP button on the EGSE Command Selection display page