4. COMMON PROCEDURES 4.1 ISS LOOP PROCEDURES 4.1.1 Explanation of ISS Loop ISS reads in limb of sun and automatically centers the instrument (active optics) it is a feedback loop and it works when the loop is closed and doesn't work when open 4.1.2 Procedure Open the ISS (Image Stabilization System) loop before doing anything that could go out of the normal range of the instrument because if the loop is closed and the ranges are exceeded damage could be done To open the loop, To close the loop, 4.2 LIMB FIGURES 4.2.1 Explanation Take limb annulus and read pixels that are only inclusive of the limb. The set of pixels changes from position changes in the spacecraft. Take limb figures (pixel readings) often to help with data comparisons. 4.2.2 Procedure on the EGSE Command Console, type set_limb_04 type in the value 4.3 NULLING ISS ERROR SIGNALS To null the ISS error signals: perf alignit_v15 4.4 JITTER TEST 4.4.1 Explanation 4.4.2 Procedure stop structure via q_stop_seq_v03 open ISS loop - openloop_v01 open d on SAS q_start_iss_v01 DO MOMENTUM MANAGEMENT q_stop_iss_v01 open d on SAS run q_runstr_v14 (allow > 10 mins) leave ISS loop open until AFTER trim burn (~00:00-00:15) close ISS loop during NRT at ~02:05 maybe need to null error signals via alignit_v15 ?? 4.5 LEG ALIGNMENTS 4.5.1 Explanation 4.5.2 Recommended Operation of the Alignment Mechanism (Larry Springer) MDI Team Jake has asked me to send a note out on the operation of the Alignment mechanism. Therefore, this is how I beleive the Alignment Mechanism should be operated. BASELINE POWER SWITCHING The Alignment Mechanism should be turned on at the start of a days amignment activities. At the end of the days activity it should be returned to sun center and turned off. Normally the old legcenter (run to limit and step back N steps) should never be done. If center of range if needed use Pots to center. (AM1 ~-53; AM2~-42) TURN ON Reset both of the controllers (MBAM1RS, MBAM2RS) prior to turning on the Alignment Mechanism Drive Power. Remember the controllers are powered with the applications electronics power the Alignechanism Power On powers only the motor driver. After turning on the Alignment Mechanism watch both pots and the mechanism current for signs of movement. If movement is seen turn off the Alignment Mechanism because there is a problem. (Caution the pot readouts are noisy) TURN OFF After the days alignment mechanism activities are completed, return to the sun center position (When a sun center position is picked the corresponding pot readings should be noted and considered the new AM center position.) prior to turning the Alignment Mechanism Drive Power (MBPWAMOFF). 4.5.3 Procedure (Instance Form) ^000181: Action: image_recenter Status: Open Date_submitted: 23-May-96 SOI_Proposal: Objective: To recenter the MDI image for the Dynamics Period IAP_sci_obj: Requestor: Rock Bush Duration: 1 hour Requirements: NRT-s; MDI-H VC2; Loop Open; Campaign: cam_fd_cont ALT_Cadence: Preferred_Time: Started: Completed: Script: perf q_seq_options_v03 set chain address to cam_fd_cont (addr=304) perf openloop_v01 perf alignit_v15 do full alignment including leg motion after completing PZT offset adjustment renull ISS error signals and lock loop Notes: current image center is determined by the IDL program CURVEFIT. Example numbers are, 511.313 512.104 483.903 Need to recenter image for the Dynamics run over the next two months Rock Bush uses the IDL routine monitor_center to determine what the image center numbers should be 4.6 STARTING & STOPPING STRUCTURE To stop the sequence: perform q_stop_seq_v03 To start the sequence: perform q_runstr_v17 (most recent version as of May 30,1996) 4.7 RUNNING CAMPAIGNS 1. Hit "START" on EGSE Command Selection display page to be enabled for commanding 2. Highlight "PROCS" and select q_seq_options_v03, which brings up the campaign sequence options menu 3. From the instance, get the campaign name (under campaign:) 4. On a shell window, type whatscam and use the number it shows as the address of the campaign in #6 5. Select "Set Cam Addr" 6. Type in the address of the campaign (the number from #4) 7. Turn on the Campaign Flag to start the campaign by selecting the "Set Cam Flag" button 8. Look at the duration on the instance 9. After the duration is over, stop the campaign by selecting the "Clear Cam Flag" button 10.If you are done commanding, hit the "STOP" button on the EGSE Command Selection display page 4.8 TROUBLE SHOOTING