2. EGSE 2.1 EGSE BASICS 2.1.1 Starting and Stopping EGSE - To shut down EGSE hit the quit button on the console or on the Toolchest Menu Bar choose the label MDI_EGSE and select the menu item killgse and then hit shutdown - To restart EGSE type EGSE on a shell window and the main egse console comes up automatically 2.1.2 Display Screens From the unix prompt type shscreen to get the complete list of screens available. DEP-IP Status - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/DEP Status Power & Temperature - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/Power & Temp General Telemetry - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/GENERAL TM STATE Power - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/Power System EOF Telemetry Distribution - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/ EOF Command Status - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/Telemetry Display Limb Tracker - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/Limb Tracker MDI EGSE Console - Type egse on shell window Sequence Status - Type screen 80 on shell window MDI EGSE Command Selection - Hit command button on main egse console MDI Flight Status - Type screen 12 on shell window 2.1.3 Snapshots of Display Screens To take snapshots of certain display windows, click the snapshot button on the top of the display screen and hit the to print button, then exit. If you want to save it to file, hit the to file button before exiting. To find the file, on a shell window type shenv SNAP, then go to the directory that is shown and type ls -l | grep '' and it will list the files that have that date, and based on the time listed you can select the right snapshot. To get a list of all the snapshots of a particular screen, type grep screen_number date. An example is: grep screen_9 9606* lists all the the screen_9 snaps shots for June 96. Snap shots of display screens are located on /mdisw/egse_v4.2/snaps 2.1.4 Files From ECS ECS ftp's files to: /md80/ecs/from_ecs/chr (command history reports) /md80/ecs/from_ecs/qlk (quicklook TM from tape dumps and other) /md80/ecs/from_ecs/rel (real time TM) /md80/ecs/from_ecs/vrp (command validation reports) The EGSE writes to: /md80/ecs/done_ecs after the files have been processed by the EGSE. 2.1.5 Realtime Telemetry Distribution Socket 0 = low rate, 1 = high rate, 2 = commanding MDICMD and MDISAS have auto-reconnect (as seen on the General Telemetry Page under auto req), but if it has to be done manually, call the EOF or go to the EOF. If nobody is in the EOF, go to the computer and open the Telemetry Session Status Window on the background menu (it should be open already but if not click the mouse on the background to open the menu). It is called the TLM. Hit start session, click on the machine you want to connect, then hit okay. 2.1.6 EGSE Man Pages On the MDI EGSE Command Selection Screen there is a MAN button. To get the man page for a certain procedure, highlight a topic in the sidebar list, (under DISPLAY) then highlight the procedure you want the man page for, then hit the MAN button and it will come up. There are man pages for EGSE Version 4.2 on /md80/mdi_egse_sw/egse_v4.2/man 2.2 COMMANDING (Sending commands to spacecraft during NRT) - Monitor the health of MDI by checking the following screens: Health Monitoring Web Pages: http://mdiems.nascom.nasa.gov/health_mon/ Flight Status (screen 12) xmonseq (on unix) - shows what framelist is being executed by sequencer xmonlog (on unix) - displays operators log mon_sci5k (in IDL) - displays low rate data and loi images mdi_display (in IDL) - displays high rate data products iperr_sea (in IDL) - gives list of IP Errors plots of IP Errors (on web or in IDL using rtplot) DEP Status (on toolchest) Power & Temperature (on toolchest) General Telemetry (on toolchest) - Prepare instance the script lists the commands to be sent - Bring up EGSE Command Console start EGSE to get Main EGSE Console then hit command button for Command Console and make sure you are in the flight directory by highliting "CD" on the sidebar under the word "Display ->" and look at the directory listed there. If you are not in the flight directory, highlight the "New CFL dir: flight" and hit return or send to switch into the flight directory. - Hit start button this requests commanding authority from the ECS, and once permission to command is granted by a message on the screen from the ECS, continue on - Highlight "PROCS" on the sidebar - Find the command you want in "PROCS". If it is in perform status it is ready. If it is in compile status then compile the new commands by typing compile or comp -n (this compiles the newest procedures, but takes longer), then hit the PROCS button again to reload the listing of the procedures and then the status of the procedure should have changed from compile to perform status - Hit return or click on the "SEND" button to send the command - Enter the initials of the operator and the command just sent into an emacs window, to send the comment to the ops log hit -x -a - Take the time from the daily log and put it into the instance file as a start time - Redo this procedure for the next command in the script - When you are all done commanding, hit the stop button 2.3 Trouble Shooting (this will be contiually built upon) 1. If MDI_ACQ quits (it collects the data for us) hit shutdown type EGSE in shell window to restart it call EOF and have them reconnect telemetry on Socket 0 (low rate) and Socket 1 (high rate) fill out a GSDR on the web (found on SOI page under documentation) and hit MDI Ops Forms, then hit GSDR) 2. Stopping Procedures while commanding If the procedure needs to be HALTED, for example if there is a pause in the NRT link, click on HALT. If the procedure needs to be aborted,first halt it then type abort all in the MDI EGSE Command Select command window.