IAP GENERATION -------------- LOCATION OF IAP PLANS - ECS Activity Plans are located on soc ( in /ftp/iws_files/output_actpla MAKING A QUICK & DIRTY IAP - Step 1: Make a file such as the following (which I called 19apr96.IAP): 19-Apr-1996 Fri the 19th: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Sat the 20th: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Sun the 21st: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Mon the 22nd: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Tue the 23rd: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Wed the 24th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD mags Thu the 25th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD Mags Fri the 26th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD Mags Sat the 27th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD mags Sun the 28th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD mags Note that the first line in the file is important -- it sets the start time for the first file; put as many lines as days are needed. For these lines, the stuff to the left of the colon is taken as a comment, the stuff on the right appears in the IAP as the sciplan. What I put is about as much as can be read in the plan display. (Use the fewest words that do the job.) - Step 2: Then run /md84/plan/bin/qdiap 19apr96.IAP ; Use your filename of course The output for the first day for my example is: [filename = MDI960419003.IAP] DATATYPE = INSTRUMENTER INPUT TO THE ACTIVITY PLAN FILENAME = MDI960419003.IAP INSTRUME = MDI ORIG_ID = qdiap v0.3b (2-Apr-96) OBSERVER = saba@mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov DATE_CRE = 1996/04/18 17:29:39 STARTIME = 1996/04/19 00:00:00 ENDTIME = 1996/04/20 00:00:00 COMMENT = Preliminary plan -- daily block END SCIPLAN_prelim STARTIME = 1996/04/19 00:00:00 ENDTIME = 1996/04/19 23:59:59 INSTRUME = MDI SCI_OBJ = Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags OBJECT = FS - Step 3: Ftp files to ECS: ftp soc login as mdi then cd to iws_files/input_actplan turn prompt off (prompt n) and use mput (mput *.IAP)