LOCATIONS OF USEFUL INFORMATION ------------------------------- - Summary of campaign and sequence run by month: type cd $MDI_CAL_INFO or go to /md80/mdi_egse_sw/dbase/cal/info. The campaign and sequence files will be in the form of yymm.cam_run_sum and yymm.seq_run_sum respectively - List of IP error times and type for the last 20 days or 24 hours: type cd $MDI_CAL_INFO. The files are called last20days.iperr_sea and last24hrs.seq_run_sum - To read the log: type cd /md81/log/history and the files are in the form of yymmdd.opslog - Snap shots of display screens: type cd /mdisw/egse_v4.2/snaps - Listing of MDI images: type cd /md84/pictures - Latest flight S/W: type cd /mdisw/cfl/eof/src