MAKELOAD -------- MAKE_LOAD UTILITY - Usage: make_load -q | -d -m | -b [-s dseg] [-o bo] [-w words] [-l lines] [-i] fn where -h will display this help where -q chooses output as a background queue fileset where -d chooses output as a delayed command fileset where -m chooses output in mnemonic command form where -b chooses output in binary command form where -s sets the data segment address to dseg (Hex assumed) default: 2000 where -o sets the byte offset to bo (Hex assumed) default: 0 where -i will allow output of debug messages where -w words sets the max # of command words per output line not including overhead words (4 for binary, 3 for mnemonic) so binary maximum is 28, mnemonic maximum is 29 default: 28 data words per output line where -l words sets the max # of command lines per output file default: 8 command lines per output file where fn is a filename of a .exd or .src extension All times are in UT!! - Example Session %make_load -d -m mag30obs.src Output will be in delayed command files Output will be in mnemonic format ENTER EARLIEST UPLINK DATE/TIME as yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss: 1995/10/17 20:00:00 ENTER LATEST UPLINK DATE/TIME as yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss: 1995/10/17 20:00:00 ENTER COMMENT LINE ( = done): Blah, blah, blah, blah (COMMENTS DO NOT WRAP AROUND FOR SINGLE LINE!!! -Roger C to be correcting this bug) creates: /mdisw/load/del/new/MDI00001_001.DEL & /mdisw/load/del/new/MDII00001.SRC MAKE_LOADS UTILITY - Accepted switches are: -when When to upload? ('' = now) (default '') -comment Comment line to add to each file (default '') -s Segment addr (hex) (default '') -cmd (b)inary or (m)nemonic: cmd fmt to use (default 'm') -mode (q)ueue or (d)elayed: type of output (default 'q') -w Max command words per output line (default '56') -window How long is the upload window? (default '7 days') -help Print this message (default '') -l Max commands per outputfile (default '8') -o byte offset to bo (hex) (default '') - Accepted switch forms are: -foo (sets switch 'foo' to '1' [1] [TRUE]) -nofoo (sets switch 'foo' to '' [0] [FALSE]) -foo=bar (sets switch 'foo' to 'bar').