Appendix C: MISC. INFORMATION C.1 ACRONYMS AOCS - Attitude Onboard Control System APID - Application Process Identifier CLi - Command Line interpreter CMS - Command Management System DEP - Dedicated Experiment Processor DMC - Degraded Motor Controller DOC - Degraded Operation Capabilities DPC - Data Product Code DSN - Deep Space Network DSOS - Degraded Science Operations System ECS - EOF Core System EGSE - Electrical Ground Support Equipment EOF - Experiment Operations Facility EP - Electronics Package (MDI) FOT - Flight Operations Team HOP - Halo Orbit Phase IAP - Instrument Activity Plan IP - Image Processor IPS - Instrument Performance Specification (MDI) ISS - Image Stabilization System IWS - Instrumenter WorkStation KAP - Keyword Activity Plan LCP - Left Circular Polarization LEOP - Launch & Early Operations Phase LOS - Loss Of Signal MDI - Michelson Doppler Interferometer MTM - Michelson Tuning Motors NRT - Near Real Time OBT - OnBoard Time OFP - Offset Pointer OP - Optics Package (MDI) PCS - Predefined Command Sequence PDB - Project DataBase POCC - Payload Operations Control Center RCP - Right Circular Polarization RCR - Remote Command Request RPR - Remote Procedure Request SC - Space Craft SOC - Science Operations Team SOHO - Solar and Heliospheric Observatory STOL - Systems Test & Operations Language TC - TeleCommand TM - Telemetry TTP - Transfer Trajectory Phase UT - Universal Time VC - Virtual Channel iiDE - inter-instrument Data Exchange C.2 ALPHABET LIST A - Alpha B - Bravo C - Charlie D - Delta E - Echo F - Foxtrot G - Golf H - Hotel I - India J - Juliette K - Kilo L - Lima (lee-ma) M - Mike N - November O - Oscar P - Papa Q - Quebec R - Romeo S - Sierra T - Tango U - Uniform V - Victor W - Whiskey X - X-ray Y - Yankee Z - Zulu C.3 MAIL DISTRIBUTION LIST This is a list of the available mailing lists that replace mdi@mdisas. To be added or deleted from any of the lists, send e-mail with your request to admin@mdisas or admin@mdiems. admin@mdiems mdi-ops@mdisas - EOF staff mdi@mdisas - Cron & print messages, bounced mail soho-dsn@mdisas - DSN and NRT contact time listing mdiers - MDI team inter-correspondance mdi-instances - Copies of all instances submitted mdi-forms - Copies of all MIARs, GSDRs mdi-ecs - ECS folk messages about S/C ops plans mdi-ecs-kap - One liner messages about new plan available mdi-ecs-ftp - ECS ftp failure messages msput (*) - When a new file is put online using "msput" mon-telem - Restarting mon_sci5k messages C.4 COMMUNICATIONS LOOP C.4.1 Compunetix Box for problems with the box call 286-8490 C.5 /mdisw DIRECTORY C.5.1 Directory Contents (6/10/96) /mdisw Directory: #public_html doc egse_v4.1 junk procs archive egse_v1.3 egse_v4.2 load save_copy backups egse_v1.4 exe mirror setup bin egse_v1.5 fc netware cfl egse_v2.1 idl patches data egse_v3.1 idlfix perl dbase egse_v3.2 install plan /mdisw/doc Directory (6/11/96): IP_Lists_and_Tables.html manual backup.doc mdi_flight_software_patches.doc mdi_flight_sw_info.doc mdi_hk_monitoring ccs_mode.doc mdi_seq_docs.html checkpoint.l mdisw_idl.dvi data_product_codes.doc mdisw_rules.txt dep_reg_use.doc mdisw_sys.dvi dep_seq_id.doc depexplain dir.temp obs_list_format.doc dirl.del papers dpc_table.txt pavlov.l england.install homephone.lis html rxt.l info instructions.txt save_data.doc ip_mem_test.doc scott.check.del ip_reg_use.doc seq_instr.doc link2web.txt use_modems.doc list_formats.doc C.5.2 Changing /mdisw Tree Contents Rules for Making Changes to the /mdisw Tree Contents(6/10/96): (for updated rules, see link to mdisw_rules.txt document) * FUNDAMENTALS The list of directories and whether there is a master site or not is located in the file: /mdisw/mirror/ If the directory branch says "NONE", then the latest version is taken from any of the 4 sites. * DELETING Since several of the /mdisw directories have no master machine, the latest files are taken from all of the different machines. As such, if you delete a file on a single node, it could very well be copied back into place within 24 hours. There is a script which should be run from mdisas as user "mdi" (or as yourself if you have .rhost files on mdisas, quake, diapason, and mdibbs). A sample command is: rm_all_mdisw /mdisw/doc/victoria.joe NOTE: You must include the path in the command. * MOVING FILES AROUND Because of the same problem talked about under DELETING, care needs to be taken when moving files around. I guess I'd recommend that 1. Choose a site which has the latest files you want to move around 2. Move the files around 3. Delete the files from their OLD location following the procedure described in the "DELETING" section. * ADDING AND MODIFYING FILES Generally, files should not be edited directly in the /mdisw tree. They should generally be copied out to a private working area, edited and put back on-line. Editing the files directly in the /mdisw can cause a variety of problems. (a) an editors "auto-save" can write the file out before you are finished, (b) you may have introduced an error, so full debugging should be done off-line, (c) some editors leave annoying backup copies of the files. Some techniques for putting files online are: "msput" - for files in /mdisw/doc, /mdisw/idl, /mdisw/bin "cp -p" - for files in /mdisw/setup "freeze"- for files in /mdisw/cfl/prep "certify"-for files in /mdisw/cfl/flight If you must copy files from /mdisw to /mdisw_cmd, you must use the "-p" option. Someone copied the full contents of /mdisw/bin on 30-Jan and it makes determining the master site for the files difficult. Changing files in the /mdisw/setup directory must be done with great care. It can cause things to stop working very quickly if it is not done properly. * SAVING COPIES OF FILES Several of us are very good at saving copies of files before we edit them. Unfortunately, this can leave a ton of junk in the directories. For example: and or and idl_batch_run.pro0 I'd like to request that people use the command "msback" to make a copy of their file in the /mdisw/save_copy directory. A sample command is msback filename This will keep the contents of the /mdisw tree relatively clean and uncluttered. * UPDATING MDICMD The procedure is TBD * SETTING DIRECTORY AND FILE OWNERSHIP AND PROTECTION It may be necessary to run a script to make sure that all of the directories have the proper protection (group must be mdi and protection must be 775). Some egse files must be owned by root and have the "sticky" bit set. The procedure is to log in as root and to execute the file: TBD C.6 CHANGING BACKUP TAPES There are daily backup tapes for both MDISAS and MDICMD. These tapes are located next to the printer in the EOF. There are 2 sets of tapes - one with an orange dot and one with a green dot. On the calendar on the wall above the tapes, each week is dotted either orange or green. If it is a green week, use the green tapes and if it is an orange week, use the orange tapes. The tapes are labeled for MDISAS or MDICMD. Green and orange weeks alternate. C.7 DIRECTORIES ON MDISAS md80: /md80/archive /md80/log /md80/log/debug /md80/lost+found /md80/mdi_egse_sw /md80/sccs /md80/tmp md81: /md81/log /md81/log/history /md81/log/mdihk /md81/log/mon5k /md81/log/oldmdihk /md81/log/schk /md81/sci5k /md81/screen12 /md81/lost+found md82: /md82/log /md82/log/sci160k /md82/lost+found md83: /md83/ecs /md83/log /md83/log/sci5k /md83/log_pre_launch /md83/lost+found /md83/mdihr_files /md83/purging-these md84: /md84/JOP039 /md84/PR /md84/fits /md84/log /md84/log/mdihk /md84/log/schk /md84/lost+found /md84/magneto /md84/pacor /md84/pictures /md4/plan /md84/purging-these /md84/stanford /md84/tmp /md84/usr /md84/zowie-archive /md84/zowie-tmp C.8 LOCATIONS OF USEFUL INFORMATION - Summary of campaign and sequence run by month: type cd $MDI_CAL_INFO or go to /md80/mdi_egse_sw/dbase/cal/info. The campaign and sequence files will be in the form of yymm.cam_run_sum and yymm.seq_run_sum respectively - List of IP error times and type for the last 20 days or 24 hours: type cd $MDI_CAL_INFO. The files are called last20days.iperr_sea and last24hrs.seq_run_sum - To read the log: type cd /md81/log/history and the files are in the form of yymmdd.opslog - Snap shots of display screens: type cd /mdisw/egse_v4.2/snaps - Listing of MDI images: type cd /md84/pictures - Latest flight S/W: type cd /mdisw/cfl/eof/src