3. NOMINAL OPERATIONS 3.1 OPERATOR COMMENT LOGGING 3.1.1 Entering Information into the Daily Log There are two main ways to enter log data into the ops log. In either case, the entry is automatically time-stamped, but you must manually enter your initials. The convention is to type your initials at the start of the entry, like so: CED - this is a sample entry. Be aware that logging long entries takes nonzero time. The ASCII mechanism operates almost instantaneously; but spoon-feeding the EGSE takes time. If you log a 100 line report, you will wait 5 minutes for EGSE to cogitate. * SHELL: From the command line on sas, you can type directly at the log. Just type "add2log", then type the lines that you want to enter. When you're done, you can type ^D alone on a line, or '.' alone on a line. If you type ^C before ending an entry, the entire entry is aborted. * EMACS: You can log the contents of an entire buffer with the key sequence ^X^A. (that's "Control-X, Control-A"). You can do this from any emacs buffer, even the *scratch* buffer. You can even log the entire contents of your mail spool, if you so desire. If you try to log more than 15 lines at once, emacs will ask if you "really" want to do it. This is to prevent you from *accidentally* logging the entire contents of your mail spool. If the log operation is successful, the contents of the buffer will vanish (you can recover them with ^Y, if you're an emacs person). If it is unsuccessful, the contents will remain, but will be augmented with a cryptic error message which you should mail to Craig. 3.1.2 Viewing the Log ASCII Log files are stored in /md80/log/history/yymmdd.opslog, and can be viewed with more, less, or your favorite text editor/viewer. Old log files are in /md80/log/history/archive/yymm/yymmdd.opslog. If you like to use the EGSE delogging mechanism, you can use that to read the lines in the daily .his file. If you have an X terminal, a quick way to watch the log is to say "xmonlog". This will fire up a window (called "Daily Log monitor") that contains all the log entries for the last week. The window is updated as new entries are made. If you are not on an X terminal, you can view the log using opslog, which generates an ASCII file. 3.2 INSTANCES 3.2.1 Generating Instances Instance Generation Forms are on the web at http://mdiems.nascom.nasa.gov/forms/hydra/igf.html or there is a link on the "Home-Away-From-Home" page 3.2.2 Proper Manipulation of Instances (this information is subject to change as instance manipulation tools are developed) Instances created from the instance generation form are placed into /mdisw/plan/new-instances file ... the instances in this file should be cut and pasted into /mdisw/plan/open-instances which is a holding place for instances before they become active and placed into /mdisw/plan/active-instances ... an instance is cut and pasted into the active-instance file when it is known that it will be performed 3.3 IAP GENERATION 3.3.1 Location of IAP Plans ECS Activity Plans are located on soc ( in /ftp/iws_files/output_actpla 3.3.2 Making a Quick & Dirty IAP Step 1) Make a file such as the following (which I called 19apr96.IAP): 19-Apr-1996 Fri the 19th: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Sat the 20th: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Sun the 21st: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Mon the 22nd: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Tue the 23rd: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Wed the 24th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD mags Thu the 25th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD Mags Fri the 26th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD Mags Sat the 27th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD mags Sun the 28th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD mags Note that the first line in the file is important -- it sets the start time for the first file; put as many lines as days are needed For these lines, the stuff to the left of the colon is taken as a comment, the stuff on the right appears in the IAP as the sciplan. What I put is about as much as can be read in the plan display. (Use the fewest words that do the job.) Step 2) Then run: /md84/plan/bin/qdiap 19apr96.IAP (Use your filename of course) The output for the first day for my example is: [filename = MDI960419003.IAP] DATATYPE = INSTRUMENTER INPUT TO THE ACTIVITY PLAN FILENAME = MDI960419003.IAP INSTRUME = MDI ORIG_ID = qdiap v0.3b (2-Apr-96) OBSERVER = saba@mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov DATE_CRE = 1996/04/18 17:29:39 STARTIME = 1996/04/19 00:00:00 ENDTIME = 1996/04/20 00:00:00 COMMENT = Preliminary plan -- daily block END SCIPLAN_prelim STARTIME = 1996/04/19 00:00:00 ENDTIME = 1996/04/19 23:59:59 INSTRUME = MDI SCI_OBJ = Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags OBJECT = FS Step 3) Ftp files to ECS: ftp soc log in as mdi then cd to iws_files/input_actplan [doublecheck directory] turn prompt off (prompt n) and use mput (mput *.IAP) 3.4 OCD GENERATION Fill out forms located in the Change Directorives Binder in the MDI room in the EOF. Sample forms are also located there in addition to blank forms. 3.5 CREATING BACKGROUND & DELAYED COMMANDS WITH make_load & make_loads 3.5.1 make_load Utility Usage: make_load -q | -d -m | -b [-s dseg] [-o bo] [-w words] [-l lines] [-i] fn where -h will display this help where -q chooses output as a background queue fileset where -d chooses output as a delayed command fileset where -m chooses output in mnemonic command form where -b chooses output in binary command form where -s sets the data segment address to dseg (Hex assumed) default: 2000 where -o sets the byte offset to bo (Hex assumed) default: 0 where -i will allow output of debug messages where -w words sets the max # of command words per output line not including overhead words (4 for binary, 3 for mnemonic) so binary maximum is 28, mnemonic maximum is 29 default: 28 data words per output line where -l words sets the max # of command lines per output file default: 8 command lines per output file where fn is a filename of a .exd or .src extension All times are in UT!! Example Session: %make_load -d -m mag30obs.src Output will be in delayed command files Output will be in mnemonic format ENTER EARLIEST UPLINK DATE/TIME as yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss: 1995/10/17 20:00:00 ENTER LATEST UPLINK DATE/TIME as yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss: 1995/10/17 20:00:00 ENTER COMMENT LINE ( = done): Blah, blah, blah (COMMENTS DO NOT WRAP AROUND FOR SINGLE LINE!!! -Roger C to be correcting this bug) creates: /mdisw/load/del/new/MDI00001_001.DEL & /mdisw/load/del/new/MDII00001.SRC 3.5.2 make_loads Utility Accepted switches are: -when When to upload? ('' = now) (default '') -comment Comment line to add to each file (default '') -s Segment addr (hex) (default '') -cmd (b)inary or (m)nemonic: cmd fmt to use (default 'm') -mode (q)ueue or (d)elayed: type of output (default 'q') -w Max command words per output line (default '56') -window How long is the upload window? (default '7 days') -help Print this message (default '') -l Max commands per outputfile (default '8') -o byte offset to bo (hex) (default '') Accepted switch forms are: -foo (sets switch 'foo' to '1' [1] [TRUE]) -nofoo (sets switch 'foo' to '' [0] [FALSE]) -foo=bar (sets switch 'foo' to 'bar'). 3.6 FTP'ing 3.6.1 FTP Manager RogerC's FTP_mgr program is a graphical interface to be used for ftp ing of delayed and background queue command sets to ECS for uploading The FTP_mgr program is brought up with the Toolchest, "MDI_EGSE" menu, "Other Applications" submenu, item = "FTP_mgr" 3.6.2 IF THE FTP_MGR ISN"T WORKING CORRECTLY If for some reason the FTP_mgr isn't working the ftp transfer can be done explicately: 1. unix-prompt%ftp soc 8111 220 soc Security Dynamics' FTP server (Version 1.0) ready. Name (soc:mdi): 2. enter the mdi ftp account to be used with the secure id card = mdicmd 220 soc Security Dynamics' FTP server (Version 1.0) ready. Name (soc:mdi):mdicmd 331 Enter PASSCODE at password prompt. Password: 3. Enter the passcode shown on the secure id card prefixed with the 4 digit code for that particular card and a comma 220 soc Security Dynamics' FTP server (Version 1.0) ready. Name (soc:mdi):mdicmd 331 Enter PASSCODE at password prompt. Password:xxxx,xxxxxxx 230 User mdicmd logged in. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> 4. If an ls -l is done at the ftp prompt (i.e. FTP>) you can see a listing of the directories and files on the SOC machine: Connected to soc.nascom.nasa.gov. 220 soc Security Dynamics' FTP server (Version 1.0) ready. Name (soc:covingto): mdicmd 331 Enter PASSCODE at password prompt. Password: 230 User mdicmd logged in. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> ls -l 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. total 328 drwxr-xr-x 33 usr 512 Jul 12 22:52 .F1 drwxr-xr-x 5 usr 512 Apr 17 1995 .F2 drwxr-xr-x 4 usr 512 Apr 17 1995 .F3 drwxr-xr-x 4 usr 512 Apr 17 1995 .F4 drwxr-xr-x 3 usr 512 Apr 17 1995 .F5 drwxrwsr-x 2 soc 2048 Dec 10 21:01 actplan drwxr-xr-x 5 soc 512 Nov 29 19:42 ancillary_data dr-xr-xr-x 2 sys 512 Jul 11 16:54 bin drwxrwxr-x 5 soc 512 Jul 19 12:35 cdhf_files -rw-rw-r-- 1 usr 40767 Dec 13 18:48 core dr-xr-xr-- 2 sys 512 Jul 11 21:37 etc drwxr-xr-x 8 usr 512 Nov 19 01:14 iws_files drwxr-xr-x 4 usr 512 Jul 31 13:26 iws_ftpfiles dr-xr-xr-x 2 sys 512 Jul 11 21:13 lib drwxr-xr-x 2 usr 1024 Dec 12 17:15 pdb_files drwxr-xr-x 2 usr 1024 Sep 14 12:38 pdb_files.old drwxrwxr-x 2 soc 2048 Dec 10 03:03 plan_files drwxr-xr-x 2 usr 512 Nov 30 19:29 pub drwxr-xr-x 2 usr 31232 Dec 13 21:33 quicklook -rw-r--r-- 1 usr 1322 Dec 5 19:51 ref.list -rw-rw-r-- 1 usr 9458 Dec 13 17:48 temp.file -rw-rw-r-- 1 usr 954 Dec 13 22:28 temp.file1 drwxr-xr-x 4 usr 1024 Nov 28 20:04 tlm_files 226 Transfer complete. ftp> If you want to ftp delayed command files or background queued files change directory to the iws_files directory. ftp>cd iws_files 250 CWD command successful. ftp> If you do a ls -l you'll see: ftp>ls -l 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. total 56 drwxrwsr-t 2 iwscmd 512 Nov 19 01:11 bckque drwxrwsr-t 2 iwscmd 512 Dec 13 06:35 delcmd lrwxrwxrwx 1 sys 29 Nov 19 01:12 input_actplan -> ../iws_ftpfiles/input_actplan drwxr-xr-x 2 usr 7680 Dec 10 05:53 output_actplan drwxr-xr-x 2 usr 512 Dec 13 06:35 reports drwxr-xr-x 2 usr 512 Nov 19 01:14 science_actplan lrwxrwxrwx 1 sys 24 Nov 19 01:12 sum_data -> ../iws_ftpfiles/sum_data drwxrwxr-x 2 usr 2048 Nov 19 01:20 test 226 Transfer complete. ftp> For delayed commands cd to delcmd directory: ftp> cd delcmd 250 CWD command successful. ftp> To ftp the files into this directory type mput "filename" (without the quotes): ftp>mput "filename" a message will come back confirming the transfer.... For background commands cd to bckque directory ftp> cd bckque 250 CWD command successful. ftp> Type mput "filename" as above to transfer the files. 3.6.3 TroubleShooting of FTP_mgr: Click on the "HELP" button for help and for the names of the environment variables which can be checked to make sure they are set properly 3.7 TROUBLE SHOOTING