PROGRAMS FOR MDI ---------------- PROGRAM LIST - Monitor is a program for the operating system and housekeeping - Sequencer is main program and it has 3 submodes alt is a 30 sec mode campaign is a 30 sec mode prime60 is a 60 sec mode with 2 parts structure is the low rate full disk images (2/min) dynamics is the low rate full disk images (1/min) PLUS high rate other observations-alt or campaign (1/min) PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS - Structure Program: The scientific objectives related to determining the solar internal STRUCTURE require continuous or nearly continuous observations for many months to years, so this data must be transmitted in the low bandwidth channel - Dynamics Program: The detailed study of the solar convection zone DYNAMICS requires all observable modes for a long interval. During high-bandwidth telemetry intervals exceeding 72 hours, MDI transmits full disk Dopplergrams each minute for the primary dynamics program. TYPES OF COMMANDS - NRT (near real time) - BKG (background) - Delayed - TSTOL TYPES OF IMAGES - Velocity (dopplergrams) - Line Intensity - Continuum Intensity - Magnetic Field (magnetograms) TELEMETRY MODES - VC0 - low rate housekeeping - VC1 - low rate science - VC2 - high rate magnetorgams (data comes here) - VC3 - high rate helioseismology (data goes to JPL) - VC4 - high rate data dump TREE OF OPERATIONS - Computers: IWS -> ECS -> CMS -> POCC -> DSN -> Spacecraft - People: IWS -> SOC -> FOT