UNIX ---- - Setting an x-terminal to use mdisas as the display manager: 1. Press the "setup" button on the keyboard 2. Click on "Xserver Parameters" 3. Click on the address in "Display Manager Server" 4. Type in: 5. Double click on "Restart Session" If you have problems, you may have to do the following steps: 1. Press the "setup" button on the keyboard 2. Click on "Protocol Parameters" 3. Click on the address in "Default Gateway" 4. Type in: - To put a session in the background, type & after the session name if the process already started hit C-z and then type bg to place it in the background - To search for a pattern or word in an ls -l output, type ls -l | grep - To search for a pattern in a filename, type grep - To broadcast a message type wall, then type message, then hit return, then hit C-d - To kill a process find the process name using grep by typing, ps -ef | grep then find your process on the list and find the process number for it then type, kill -9 . If it is in the background, type jobs to get the process number then type % to kill it. - To retitle a winterm window, type xterm -T -n <title> - To get information on how to do something, type man -k <key word> - To show your display environment parameter, type echo $DISPLAY or shenv DISPLAY. To set the parameter to your display, type setenv DISPLAY <IP address of your x-terminal or computer>:0.