ACRONYM LIST ------------ AOCS - Attitude Onboard Control System APID - Application Process Identifier CLi - Command Line interpreter CMS - Command Management System DEP - Dedicated Experiment Processor DMC - Degraded Motor Controller DOC - Degraded Operation Capabilities DPC - Data Product Code DSN - Deep Space Network DSOS - Degraded Science Operations System ECS - EOF Core System EGSE - Electrical Ground Support Equipment EOF - Experiment Operations Facility EP - Electronics Package (MDI) FOT - Flight Operations Team HOP - Halo Orbit Phase IAP - Instrument Activity Plan IP - Image Processor IPS - Instrument Performance Specification (MDI) ISS - Image Stabilization System IWS - Instrumenter WorkStation KAP - Keyword Activity Plan LCP - Left Circular Polarization LEOP - Launch & Early Operations Phase LOS - Loss Of Signal MDI - Michelson Doppler Interferometer MTM - Michelson Tuning Motors NRT - Near Real Time OBT - OnBoard Time OFP - Offset Pointer OP - Optics Package (MDI) PCS - Predefined Command Sequence PDB - Project DataBase POCC - Payload Operations Control Center RCP - Right Circular Polarization RCR - Remote Command Request RPR - Remote Procedure Request SC - Space Craft SOC - Science Operations Team SOHO - Solar and Heliospheric Observatory STOL - Systems Test & Operations Language TC - TeleCommand TM - Telemetry TTP - Transfer Trajectory Phase UT - Universal Time VC - Virtual Channel iiDE - inter-instrument Data Exchange