EBZ 26 Dec 96 - with input from CED and JFC Summer 96 DISPLAY SCREENS --------------- LIST OF SCREENS - From the unix prompt type shscreen to get the complete list of screens available DEP-IP Status - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/DEP Status Power & Temperature - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/Power & Temp General Telemetry - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/GENERAL TM STATE Power - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/Power System EOF Telemetry Distribution - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/Telemetry Display EOF Command Status - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/Command Display Limb Tracker - Found in Toolchest/MDI_EGSE/Limb Tracker MDI EGSE Console - Type egse on shell window Sequence Status - Type screen 80 on shell window MDI EGSE Command Selection - Hit command button on main egse console MDI Flight Status - Type screen 12 on shell window TAKING SNAPSHOTS - To find out where the snapshots are being stored when you click on the "SNAPSHOT" button on the display screen; at the UNIX prompt type: unix-prompt%shenv SNAP MDI_SCR_FONTS_SNAP_FN=941018_210301_01.sna MDI_LIB_SNAP_DIR=/mdisw/egse_v5.2/snaps unix-prompt% The environment variable MDI_LIB_SNAP_DIR defines the directory where the snapshots go (i.e. /mdisw/egse_v5.2/snaps). The "shenv" command simply searches the environment variables defined and prints out the variable name and the defined value for it if the string provided (i.e. SNAP as above) matches either the variable name or the value defined so "shenv" can be used to find out the values of other environment variables. If you look into the directory defined by the MDI_LIB_SNAP_DIR variable there will most likely be a large number of files contained in the directory and a normal ls -l listing will make it difficult to view the files. To limit the listing you can "pipe" the ls -l output through "grep" to filter it with a search string. The basic command would be: unix-prompt%ls -l | grep 'search string' The single quotes around the search string aren't needed unless the search string contains spaces. To list the files in the directory that were stored in the directory on Dec 10, the command would be: unix-prompt%ls -l | grep 'Dec 10' If for some reason the "snap to print" button isn't working on the display pages, one can explicitely print out a snapshot file by issueing the command: unix-prompt%lpr -Psoho-laser4 "snapshot file name" without the double quotes (soho-laser1 could also be used). - Snap shots of display screens are located on /mdisw/egse_v5.2/snaps