EBZ 2 Jan 97 - with input from CED and JFC Summer 96 EBZ 13 Feb 98 EGSE BASICS ----------- STARTING & STOPPING EGSE - To shut down EGSE hit the quit button on the console. If unsure of the state of the EGSE after a machine crashes, type killgse. - Before restarting EGSE, make sure the CFL Manager is running. This can be found under CFL Monitor on the toolchest. (this is for EGSE 5.2) - To restart EGSE type EGSE on a shell window and the main egse console comes up automatically MDI_ACQ QUITTING - If MDI_ACQ quits (it collects the data for us) hit shutdown type EGSE in shell window to restart it call EOF and have them reconnect telemetry on Socket 0 (low rate) and Socket 1 (high rate) fill out a GSDR form on the web (found in the Observers Manual section of the Operations Manual or on the SOI Documentation web page) FILES FROM ECS - ECS ftp's files to: /md83/ecs/from_ecs/chr (command history reports) /md83/ecs/from_ecs/qlk (quicklook TM from tape dumps and other) /md83/ecs/from_ecs/rel (real time TM) /md83/ecs/from_ecs/vrp (command validation reports) - The EGSE writes to: /md83/ecs/done_ecs after the files have been processed - To manually ftp files from ECS (they will send e-mail to us to do this): cd /md83/ecs/from_ecs/rel or qkl ftp soc (login as mdi) cd tlm_files/filedirectory/filename get filename the files will then be processed and put into /md83/ecs/done_ecs REALTIME TELEMETRY DISTRIBUTION - Socket 0 = low rate, 1 = high rate, 2 = commanding - MDICMD and MDISAS have auto-reconnect (as seen on the General Telemetry Page under auto req), but if it has to be done manually, call the EOF or go to the EOF. If nobody is in the EOF, go to the computer and open the Telemetry Session Status Window on the background menu (it should be open already but if not click the mouse on the background to open the menu). It is called the TLM. Hit start session, click on the machine you want to connect, then hit okay - Telemetry files are often downloaded to mdisas by ftp from the ECS computers. Those files are digested by the tm_mgr. The watchdog program that monitors the incoming data directories is called "pavlov". Pavlov is invoked by a script called "dinnerbell" that is run from mdi's crontab every five minutes. Pavlov watches the incoming telemetry directories and, when necessary, invokes the tm_mgr to digest new files. Pavlov keeps a log file in /md80/tmp/pavlov*. You can read more about pavlov in /mdisw/doc/pavlov.man. EGSE MAN PAGES - On the MDI EGSE Command Selection Screen there is a MAN button. To get the man page for a certain procedure, highlight a topic in the sidebar list, (under DISPLAY) then highlight the procedure you want the man page for, then hit the MAN button and it will come up. - There are man pages for EGSE Version 5.2 on http://www.space.lockheed.com/EGSE/man/man_pages.html