How to Generate MDI Framelists Reloads Ver 1.0 (MDM) 17-Dec-97 Updated by mdiops/TDT 14-Apr-98 1. Update the mnemonic database a. Find out the current database file name by: ls -ltr /mdisw/dbase/ops/ip_dep/mdi_uobs* b. Copy the most recent file offline into a new file which is dated when the change is made, ie: if the change is made 17-Dec-97, do cp /mdisw/dbase/ops/ip_dep/mdi_uobs.971027 mdi_uobs.971217 DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY ONLINE IN THAT DIRECTORY AND DO NOT HAVE BACKUP ~ FILES CREATED IN THAT DIRECTORY c. Modify the "mdi_uobs.971217" file, preserving the older values in the manner started long ago by Ted * To change the tuning, comment out the value column for MTM1 and MTM2 and add the changes in a new column. * To change the focus, change the STD number for CAL1 and CAL2. ** Best high-res focus, which is the standard one, is FOC2 in both cal wheels ** Best full-disk focus is FOC4 in both cal wheels d. Put the file back online with msput mdi_uobs.971217 /mdisw/dbase/ops/ip_dep e. If this is done on mdicmd, the file should get to mdisas. If it's done on mdisas, copy it to mdicmd (or wait for the nightly mirror) * Example: we want to change the focus to best full disk focus (FOC4), so we change: CAL1 STD 2 -to- CAL1 STD 1 CAL2 STD 1 -to- CAL2 STD 3 because CAL1 FOC2 2 #91 -> so standard is 2 and best is 1 CAL1 FOC4 1 #55 and CAL2 FOC2 1 #17 -> so standard is 1 and best is 3 CAL2 FOC4 3 #89 ** The commented out numbers are the wheel motor position on-board and once the framelists are uploaded, a lookup table does the translation to the wheel motor position * The current mdi_uobs.* file: Column Label Value ------- ------- ------- MTM1 F1 47 #45 #50 #52 #56 #58 #62 #28 MTM1 F2 65 #63 #68 #70 #74 #76 #80 #46 MTM1 F3 83 #81 #86 #88 #92 #94 #98 #64 MTM1 F4 101 #99 #104 #106 #110 #112 #116 #82 MTM1 FC 29 #27 #32 #34 #38 #40 #44 #10 MTM1 LC 74 #72 #77 #79 #83 #85 #89 #55 MTM2 F1 51 #50 #51 #50 #52 #53 #58 #56 MTM2 F2 60 #59 #60 #59 #61 #62 #67 #65 MTM2 F3 69 #68 #69 #68 #70 #71 #76 #74 MTM2 F4 78 #77 #78 #77 #79 #80 #85 #83 MTM2 FC 42 #41 #42 #41 #43 #44 #49 #47 MTM2 LC 64 #63 #64 #63 #65 #66 #71 #69 CAL1 STD 1 CAL1 CAL 0 #19 CAL1 FOC1 1 #55 CAL1 FOC2 2 #91 CAL1 FOC3 3 #127 CAL1 FOC4 1 #55 CAL1 FOC5 2 #91 CAL1 FOC6 3 #127 CAL1 FOC7 1 #55 CAL1 FOC8 2 #91 CAL1 FOC9 3 #127 CAL1 NOMOVE 99999 CAL2 STD 3 CAL2 CAL 0 #125 CAL2 FOC1 1 #17 CAL2 FOC2 1 #17 CAL2 FOC3 1 #17 CAL2 FOC4 3 #89 CAL2 FOC5 3 #89 CAL2 FOC6 3 #89 CAL2 FOC7 2 #53 CAL2 FOC8 2 #53 CAL2 FOC9 2 #53 CAL2 NOMOVE 99999 2. Make the lists of what frames are onboard a. Move to a offline scratch directory where you don't mind the creation "ld_newtune_part*.lst" files. I typically create a ~/checkin2 directory, and then "3", ... b. In IDL, do IDL> .run opsdb IDL> setenv,'MDI_OPSDB_TYPE=PREP IDL> opsdb_new_tuning This creates the following two files ld_newtune_part1.lst ld_newtune_part2.lst 3. OPTIONAL: Test it on mdisim (dev) a. Make the load files. Copy the .lst files over (if necessary) IDL> .run opsdb IDL> opsdb_proc_lst, 'ld_newtune_part1.lst', /reset The /reset command says copy the flight database over to the dev file and start from there. IDL> opsdb_proc_lst, 'ld_newtune_part2.lst' b. Check that the load files were created in the /mdisw/cfl/dev/src directory. The files names are ld_newtune_part1.src (and part2) 4. Install it on mdicmd (flight) a. Log into mdicmd b. Make (or copy) the .lst files over to mdicmd c. Make the load files using the following commands. Get it right the first time or else exit IDL and start over IDL> .run opsdb IDL> opsdb_proc_lst, 'ld_newtune_part1.lst', /prep, /unfreeze IDL> opsdb_proc_lst, 'ld_newtune_part2.lst', /prep, /unfreeze d. Optionally check the new loads versus the older loads. I did something like: % sddep $flight % diff obs_std_str30_v15.uobs obs_std_str30_v18.uobs # ^^ there should be no difference % diff obs_std_str30_v15.obs obs_std_str30_v18.obs % cd ../src % diff obs_std_str30_v15.src obs_std_str30_v18.src e. Put the load driver files online. Exit IDL into the same default directory and do % freeze ld_newtune_part1.src % freeze ld_newtune_part2.src You'll have to checkpoint those files. f. Write the "instance" to have it executed. g. Update the database files on mdisas (IMPORTANT) % rm /mdisw_sas/dbase/ops/ip_dep/opsdb_prep.genx % cp -p /mdisw/dbase/ops/ip_dep/opsdb_prep.genx /mdisw_sas/dbase/ops/ip_dep/opsdb_prep.genx (no carrage-return in that command) If you have problems during step 4 and want to reset the database, you can pull the database file over again, exit IDL and start over. This would be done to preserve IDs. The database copy command is: % cp -p /mdisw_sas/dbase/ops/ip_dep/opsdb_prep.genx /mdisw/dbase/ops/ip_dep/opsdb_prep.genx (no carrage-return in that command) 5. Execute the load ------------------- A full framelist re-load has to be done in two parts. The requirement is that a framelist cannot be loaded when it is being run. The way we get around this is to part1. Load 95% of the lists when running a FD mag campaign part2. Load 5% of the lists when running P60 structure/dynamics The procedure is (NOTE: The version numbers will be different): 1. After CAM_VC2_OBS is finished, start CAM_FD_M1_F1 using seq_options. It MUST be an FD_MAG campaign. The start the 95% load with the command perf q_ld_newtune_part1_v02 It should take about 1 hour. If you have to exit the campaign, the loading should be paused until you can re-enter the campaign. The load can be restarted from the beginning if necessary -- we're simply loading memory here. 2. When "part1" is finished, you need to wait until the ALT interval counter is between 6 and 85. If that is true (ie: not in the middle of an ALT and one not going to start for 10 minutes), THEN you should clear the campaign flag and start DYNAMICS. At that point, do the rest of the load by command: perf q_ld_newtune_part2_v02