EBZ 26 Dec 96 - with input from CED and JFC Summer 96 EBZ 29 July 97 IAP GENERATION -------------- EXPLANATION - An IAP is an Instrument Activity Plan and is the data structure used by the SOHO planning tools. It is necessary to generate them in order to coordinate MDI's and other instruments' activities. LOCATION OF IAP PLANS - ECS Activity Plans are located on soc ( in /ftp/iws_files/output_actplan - Old ECS Activity Plans are located on /md80/iap-kap Recent IAP's are located on /mdisw/dbase/ops/iap_kap MAKING IAP's the *new* way - Make a weekly plan file on /mdisw/plan/weekly (you can edit it right there) Copy the last weeks plan and edit it for the new week by putting in it the new week number, date, version number, planner, and the plan for the week including campaign and JOP number. Make sure to space to the end of the line before starting on the next line. - Run makesched on the weekly file to put in the times of contact makesched This will change the version number of your weekly plan file to 02 - Run makeiap on the new weekly file (with the times in it) to make the IAP's makeiap IAP's will be created in /mdisw/dbase/ops/iap_kap - FTP to SOC the new IAP's: ftp soc and login as mdi cd iws_files/input_actplan put the IAP's MAKING A QUICK & DIRTY IAP (the old way) - Before Step 1: type getkaps to ftp all the KAP's over - that will assure the latest KAP's are in our directory - Step 1: Make a file such as the following (which I called 19apr96.IAP): 19-Apr-1996 Fri the 19th: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Sat the 20th: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Sun the 21st: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Mon the 22nd: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Tue the 23rd: Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags Wed the 24th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD mags Thu the 25th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD Mags Fri the 26th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD Mags Sat the 27th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD mags Sun the 28th: Continuous Dynamics/ FD mags Note that the first line in the file is important -- it sets the start time for the first file; put as many lines as days are needed. For these lines, the stuff to the left of the colon is taken as a comment, the stuff on the right appears in the IAP as the sciplan. What I put is about as much as can be read in the plan display. (Use the fewest words that do the job.) - Step 2: Then run /md84/plan/bin/qdiap 19apr96.IAP ; Use your filename of course The output for the first day for my example is: [filename = MDI960419003.IAP] DATATYPE = INSTRUMENTER INPUT TO THE ACTIVITY PLAN FILENAME = MDI960419003.IAP INSTRUME = MDI ORIG_ID = saba@mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov OBSERVER = DATE_CRE = 1996/04/18 17:29:39 STARTIME = 1996/04/19 00:00:00 ENDTIME = 1996/04/20 00:00:00 COMMENT = Preliminary plan -- daily block END SCIPLAN_prelim STARTIME = 1996/04/19 00:00:00 ENDTIME = 1996/04/19 23:59:59 INSTRUME = MDI SCI_OBJ = Dynamics tests/ Flat field load/ FD & HR mags OBJECT = FS - Step 3: Ftp files to ECS: ftp soc login as mdi then cd to iws_files/input_actplan turn prompt off (prompt n) and use mput (mput *.IAP) MAKING THE WEEKLY PLAN The weekly plan (found in /mdisw/plan/weekly) looks like this: Week_199#_W## Start_Date: Version: Create_date: Modify_date: Planner: Planned_JOPs: Target_JOPs: Calendar: Date Sci_Obj Campaign_Name Target Obj Dur CMP_NO JOP Flag Start End Ins# ---- ------- ------------- ------ --- --- ------ --- ---- ----- --- ---- For the top part, fill in the week number, start date (first day of that weekly plan), version number (start with 1 of course, creation date, and planner. For the bottom part, fill in the date, the science objective, the campaign name, the target, the Obj (which is either MHR (MDI High Res), FS, AR), duration (usually FP for full pass), the campaign number (0 if nothing), the jop number (. if nothing), ignore the flag column, the start and end times (generated for you by the makesched program and based on what you put down for duration - these can be filled in by hand if desired), and the instance number that describes these observations. Example: Week_1997_W48 Start_Date: 24 Nov 1997 Version: 3 Create_date: 20 Nov 1997 Modify_date: Planner: Craig DeForest Planned_JOPs: Target_JOPs: Calendar: Date Sci_Obj Campaign_Name Target Obj Dur CMP_NO JOP Flag Start End Ins# ---------- ------ ------------- ------ --- --- ------ --- ---- ----- ----- ---- 1997/11/24 JOP070 hr_ve_fe_me 0,0 MHR FP 3070 70 16:04 00:20 872 1997/11/25 JOP070 hr_ve_fe_me 0,0 MHR FP 3070 70 17:23 00:15 872 1997/11/26 JOP070 hr_ve_fe_me 0,0 MHR FP 3070 70 14:49 01:30 872 1997/11/27 Blinkers hr_Ve_fe_me 0,0 MHR FP 3075 . 15:35 02:30 871 1997/11/28 Blinkers hr_ve_fe_me 0,0 MHR FP 3075 . 10:47 05:20 871 1997/11/29 Mom Mgt hr_ve_fe_me 0,520 MHR FP 0 . 13:44 05:20 000 1997/11/30 HR Mags hr_ve_fe_me 0,520 MHR FP 0 . 14:05 23:25 875