EBZ 26 Dec 96 - with input from Mons Morrison Summer 96 IDL --- PROCEDURES & PLOTTING - Starting IDL on a shell window, type sswidl or idl - Plotting Routine rtplot start it by typing rtplot enter duration hit return hit return type plot type overplot type end hit return or save to file - Printing Plots To print a plot type set_plot,'ps' and then plot it up and it will print out To send plot to screen again type set_plot,'x' SUMMARY OF USEFUL IDL ROUTINES DOC_LIBRARY - This standard IDL routine allows you to see the header of IDL routines for sample calling sequences and documentation. To see the READ_MDI documentation, type: IDL> doc_library, 'read_mdi The routine DOC_LIBRARY2 shows the documenation and the source code. SET_PRINTER - This routine will allow you to redirect your output to a different printer or node. It requires that you have a .rhost file if printing remotely. MDI_DISPLAY - This routine displays high rate images in real time. It displays the Dynamics mode cropped images properly. Usage: IDL> mdi_display MON_SCI5K - This routine displays the science data segment headers, the DEP dumps, IP dumps and command echo of the real time telemetry stream. A copy of the results which come to the screen is also written to a file in $MDI_MON5K_DIR Usage: IDL> mon_sci5k REDO_MON_SCI5K - Has the same functionality as MON_SCI5K but runs from the SCI5K data file instead of running from the real time shared memory data stream Usage: IDL> redo_mon_sci5k, '24-nov-95', '24-nov-95 12:00' QUICK_HKPLOT - This routine plots a variety of the analog mnemonics available. There are many options and capabilities and it will be expanded as new needs/desires arise. There is a "style" code number to say what format to display. The details on the routine are shown below along with the documentation header. Usage: IDL> quick_hkplot IDL> quick_hkplot, '14-jun 6:30','14-jun 8:00',style=-10,/hc IDL> quick_hkplot, style=-1 IDL> quick_hkplot, style=0, mnem=['mipwa', 'mipwb'], yrange=[1, 1.2] IDL> quick_hkplot, sttim, entim, win=win, style=style, mnem=mnem IDL> quick_hkplot, style=10, /help XHKPLOT - This routine will allow the plotting of the housekeeping data. You can select mnemonics to plot, time ranges and plotting ranges by several methods. You can make a print file of the information for a given time. It is a widget procedure. Usage: IDL> xhkplot XDISP_TFR - This routine allows a user to select a telemetry (.tfr) file and which image to display Usage: IDL> xdisp_tfr XDISP_SCI5K - This routine allows a user to run the Stanford extract DPC program on a 5K data file and to create the FITS files for those data products. NOTE: Not available at EOF as of 22-Nov-95 Usage: IDL> xdisp_sci5k XREAD_HIST - This routine allows the user to call the egse program read_hist through IDL and to do filtering (like grep) and to print the info out. It is a widget procedure. Make sure the "EOF Format Files" button is selected. Usage: IDL> xread_hist NOTES: Be sure to hit after entering any text items in the widget window, and to select the "EOF Format" option and "Display All messages" options. XWRITE_HIST - This routine allows for the convenient widget interface for logging information into the EGSE history file. It also maintains a separate ASCII log of information which is logged. CAUTION: In one test, the process hung up and needed to be killed and restarted. I think the problem may have been in the command verification for "egse_cmd". Usage: IDL> xwrite_hist XCHECKIP - This routine allows you to run the IP checking software on a telemetry file. It will automatically check to see if any IP check datasets exist in the data file. Usage: IDL> xcheckip IPREG_VALS - This routine reads a database and reads a 160K IP register dump data product and produces a list of the values for the registers which have been assigned labels. You may need to run UP_IPREG_LIST first with a new IDL session. If no file name is passed, it uses the latest file in the sci160k directory. Usage: IDL> ipreg_vals IDL> ipreg_vals, '/md65/log/sci160k/950909_021552' IP_QUE_DMPVER - This routine would compare a .src queue upload file with a queue dump to make sure it was loaded properly. Usage: IDL> ip_que_dmpver, '12-Jun-95 18:24:32', 'dlimg.src' MK_MDI_IAP - Makes an MDI Instrument Activity Plan (IAP) Usage: IDL> mk_mdi_iap, '1-May-95' KPMAG2MDI - List the Kitt Peak magnetograms available, FTP the ones selected and make them look like MDI summary data products. MK_LIST_LOAD - Make a load file from a list (the contents of the list have to be modified to reflect the location where the list is placed. Usage: IDL> mk_list_load, '0800'x, 'loi3.src', $ infil='/mdisw/dbase/ops/lists/list_loi3.fits'