JITTER TEST ----------- EXPLANATION - Measures the ISS feedback signals directly and downlinks them. This measures the amount and frequency of spececraft jitter. Doing so interrupts the sequence. PROCEDURE - The "standard procedure" to do a jitter test: Script: - Stop structure: q_stop_seq_v03 - Start new 160k files: Open d on mdisas and mdicmd - Start the ISS mode: q_start_iss_v02 - Wait > 2 minutes: IDL> .run jitter_do (see Notes below^*) - Open the ISS loop: openloop_v01 [let ISS run during momentum management] ** We must always be in high rate when in jitter mode ** After S/K burn: - close the ISS loop: closeloop_v01 - Wait > 2 minutes - Stop the ISS mode: q_stop_iss_v02 - Start new 160k files: Open d on mdisas and mdicmd - Start structure: q_runstr_v28 - Reset continuum downlink: perf q_seq_options_v09 choose Dynamics options select continuum D/L - Reset mag telem flag to 0: (still in Dynamics options) choose as mag telem D/L: 5 summed mags in 160k channel (R5 should be 0). Notes: - You can run the raw analysis reduction software while running a jitter test by typing: IDL> .run jitter_do during or after the start of jitter mode. It will create the .ISS_SUM files which are used by the jitter analysis and display routine. It will continually monitor for new data and will create it as it comes in. To run the display routine, you type: IDL> .run jitter and then select the "Read ISS_SUM file(s)" menu option (you should have run the WMENU_SEL_SET routine first)