CNF - Update 15 Oct 96 EBZ - Update 25 Dec 96 LOCATIONS OF USEFUL INFORMATION ------------------------------- - Campaign and Sequences run by month: type cd $MDI_CAL_INFO or go to /md80/mdi_egse_sw/dbase/cal/info. The campaign and sequence files will be in the form of yymm.cam_run_sum and yymm.seq_run_sum respectively. These files are on Mon's Ops Summary Page at - MDI Campaign Synopsis Web Page at: - Active Campaigns by Address on Mon's Ops Summary Page at: - IP Errors: list of error times and type for the last 20 days or 24 hours: type cd $MDI_CAL_INFO. The files are called last20days.iperr_sea and last24hrs.seq_run_sum. These are linked to the Instrument Health Page. - Read the Log: type cd /md81/log/history and the files are in the form of yymmdd.opslog Use the link from the Operations Manual or the Instrument Health Page. The log address is - Snap shots of display screens saved individually: type cd /mdisw/egse_v4.2/snaps - Snap shots of screen 12 saved by cron job: type cd /md86/public_html/health_mon/screen12_snap - seperate directory for each month - DSN Schedule: type cd /md86/public_html/health_mon/upcoming_soho_schedule.txt Look on the home page for the link to the current DSN schedule The address is - Monitoring Schedule: type cd /md86/public_html/doc/ Use the Operations Manual link under Monitoring Information - Listing of MDI images: type cd /md84/pictures - Latest flight S/W: type cd /mdisw/cfl/flight and look in the various files - TSTOLS: type cd ~fot/gsfc_tstol and the newest ones are in ~fot/JUN96_PROCS - Instances: type cd /mdisw/plan and look in several of those files. A pointer to where any instance is can be found in the file registry. There are documents describing the registry specification in the Hydra design documents on the web. The instances are linked to the MDI Home Page also.