Updated 30 June 2000 EBZ MAIL DISTRIBUTION LIST ---------------------- This is a list of the available mailing lists. To be added or deleted from any of the lists, send e-mail with your request to admin@mdisas. To find out who is on the distribution lists look at the file /etc/aliases on mdisas. admin@mdisas - Admin logging mdiers - The MDI team mdi-ops@mdisas - EOF staff mdi@mdisas - Cron & print messages, bounced mail mdi-instances - Copies of all instances submitted mdi-forms - Copies of all MIARs, GSDRs mdi-ecs - Messages from the ECS folk about S/C ops plans mdi-ecs-cmd - Messages from the ECS folk about commanding mdi-ecs-kap - The one liner messages about new plan available mdi-ecs-iap - The one liner messages about new plan available mdi-ecs-ftp - ECS ftp failure messages soho-dsn - DSN and NRT contact time listing msput - Whenever a new file is put online using "msput" mon-telem - Restarting mon_sci5k messages (telemetry problems) idl-cron - Messages from the IDL cron jobs mem-dumps - Messages from the memory dumps cron jobs sync-cfl - Messages from the CFL file synchronizer backups - Messages from the backups generator bailey output