EBZ 26 Dec 96 - with input from JFC Summer 96 NOTE: THIS IS THE OLD WAY OF DOING DELAYED COMMAND FILES, PLEASE SEE: http://mdiwww/manual/commanding_bkd_del.html FOR THE NEW, IMPROVED WAY TO MAKE DELAYED COMMAND FILES. MAKELOAD -------- EXPLANATION - Generates delayed or background queue loads from .src files - For large loads use make_loads - Changes to make_load are at the bottom of this page MAKE_LOAD UTILITY - Usage: make_load -q | -d -m | -b [-s dseg] [-o bo] [-w words] [-l lines] [-i] fn where -h will display this help where -q chooses output as a background queue fileset where -d chooses output as a delayed command fileset where -m chooses output in mnemonic command form where -b chooses output in binary command form where -s sets the data segment address to dseg (Hex assumed) default: 2000 where -o sets the byte offset to bo (Hex assumed) default: 0 where -i will allow output of debug messages where -w words sets the max # of command words per output line not including overhead words (4 for binary, 3 for mnemonic) so binary maximum is 28, mnemonic maximum is 29 default: 28 data words per output line where -l words sets the max # of command lines per output file default: 8 command lines per output file where fn is a filename of a .exd or .src extension All times are in UT!! - Example Session %make_load -d -m mag30obs.src Output will be in delayed command files Output will be in mnemonic format ENTER EARLIEST UPLINK DATE/TIME as yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss: 1995/10/17 20:00:00 ENTER LATEST UPLINK DATE/TIME as yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss: 1995/10/17 20:00:00 ENTER COMMENT LINE ( = done): Blah, blah, blah, blah (COMMENTS DO NOT WRAP AROUND FOR SINGLE LINE!!! -Roger C to be correcting this bug) creates: /mdisw/load/del/new/MDI00001_001.DEL & /mdisw/load/del/new/MDII00001.SRC Notes: The .BCK files to FTP need to have a certain naming convention. make_load names the files with a _00V.BCK tagged at the end. For the files to be accepted at ECS the _00V (where v is a version number) needs to be removed. The files should have the format: MDIxxxxx.BCK and not MDIxxxxx_00v.BCK In addition within the .BCK files there is a header that specifies the file name. One needs to edit the file and change the filename too in addition to changing the name of the file. If for some reason the files fail because of naming or any other reason the files need to be fixed and then one needs to get out of the FTP mgr and move the .BCK and .src files from the /mdisw/load/bck/queued directory back to /mdisw/load/bck/new directory so that the FTP manager will list the files in it's selection list. MAKE_LOADS UTILITY - Accepted switches are: -when When to upload? ('' = now) (default '') -comment Comment line to add to each file (default '') -s Segment addr (hex) (default '') -cmd (b)inary or (m)nemonic: cmd fmt to use (default 'm') -mode (q)ueue or (d)elayed: type of output (default 'q') -w Max command words per output line (default '56') -window How long is the upload window? (default '7 days') -help Print this message (default '') -l Max commands per outputfile (default '8') -o byte offset to bo (hex) (default '') - Accepted switch forms are: -foo (sets switch 'foo' to '1' [1] [TRUE]) -nofoo (sets switch 'foo' to '' [0] [FALSE]) -foo=bar (sets switch 'foo' to 'bar'). CHANGES TO MAKE_LOAD (EBZ Dec 25 96 - from e-mail by Roger Chevalier 20 Aug 1996) 1) There is no longer a compiled in list of block command mnemonics. The file: $MDI_DATABASE_DIR/make_load.par is read instead. 2) Make_load will no longer complain about Invalid tokens when it comes across a token that is not a command (doesn't start with 'm') and is not a hex number (must start with 0x). Now it can also be decimal digit(s). 3) Mons has removed the executable from the /mdisw/exe/sgi directory The alias will be changed to point to the make_load in the tasks directory. To install the new make_load and it's associated file: As root: cd ~rogerc tar xvf make_load.tar EGSE 5.2 CHANGES TO MAKE_LOAD (README.970708a file on /mdisw/egse_v5.2/tasks) 1) Added '-n' option. This causes the output filename to be in the format: MDI00001.TTT instead of MDI00001_nnn.TTT (where TTT is BCK or DEL). This option is incompatible with the '-l lines' option. Do a 'make_load -h' to see option usage. Default is max of 1,000,000 lines per output file. To output a single background queue file from input file $GSE_CFL_LOAD_BASE_DIR/ipfc/ipfc1300.exd do: make_load -q -m -n ipfc1300.exd 2) The usage (-h output) has been updated to include the -n, -E,-L, and -C options.