EBZ 26 Dec 96 - with input from CED Summer 96 OPERATOR COMMENT LOGGING ------------------------ ENTERING INFORMATION INTO THE LOG - There are two main ways to enter log data into the ops log. In either case, the entry is automatically time-stamped, but you must manually enter your initials. The convention is to type your initials at the start of the entry, like so: CED - this is a sample entry. Be aware that logging long entries takes nonzero time. The ASCII mechanism operates almost instantaneously; but spoon-feeding the EGSE takes time. If you log a 100 line report, you will wait 5 minutes for EGSE to cogitate * SHELL: From the command line on sas, you can type directly at the log. Just type "add2log", then type the lines that you want to enter. When you're done, you can type ^D alone on a line, or '.' alone on a line. If you type ^C before ending an entry, the entire entry is aborted. * EMACS: You can log the contents of an entire buffer with the key sequence ^X^A. (that's "Control-X, Control-A"). You can do this from any emacs buffer, even the *scratch* buffer. You can even log the entire contents of your mail spool, if you so desire. If you try to log more than 15 lines at once, emacs will ask if you "really" want to do it. This is to prevent you from *accidentally* logging the entire contents of your mail spool. If the log operation is successful, the contents of the buffer will vanish (you can recover them with ^Y, if you're an emacs person). If it is unsuccessful, the contents will remain, but will be augmented with a cryptic error message which you should mail to Craig. VIEWING THE LOG - ASCII Log files are stored in /md80/log/history/yymmdd.opslog, and can be viewed with more, less, or your favorite text editor/viewer. Old log files are in /md80/log/history/archive/yymm/yymmdd.opslog - If you like to use the EGSE delogging mechanism, you can use that to read the lines in the daily .his file - If you have an X terminal, a quick way to watch the log is to say "xmonlog". This will fire up a window (called "Daily Log monitor") that contains all the log entries for the last week. The window is updated as new entries are made - If you are not on an X terminal, you can view the log using opslog, which generates an ASCII file - The add2log interface for emacs is written in emacs lisp. It is stored in the site-wide emacs setup file: /mdisw/netware/lib/sgi/share/emacs/site-lisp/default.el If you install emacs somewhere else, you probably want to copy the default.el to the new installation tree.